
Us Vs Them Effect Essay

Decent Essays

be threatened. This experiment definitely assessed the Us VS Them effect but with an emphasis on race which is quite interesting because most studies I’ve come across have shied away from racial factors and used political or socioeconomic variables instead. Review of the data from experiments involved two way ANOVAs and revealed that ingroup bias is always present regardless of racial composition of the pair, exaggerated when there was an element of competition between pairs which created a threatening outgroup. When couple’s success was independent of other pairs, this high Us-bias wasn’t active. There was also prevalent the difference between ingroup of same-race and having an outgroup of the other race. Notably, when the outgroup was Black, the …show more content…

Also analyzes how activation of our Identity (specifically our morals) affects our behavior with regard to choosing and being active members in groups and why (i.e. group affirmation, favoritism, view confirmation, etc). Their experiment assesses how ingroup factors combine such as peer pressure and environmental factors. Experiment utilized undergraduate colleges studies of varied demographics; participants underwent an online survey and then a laboratory trial which turned on the participants moral identity in certain groups and did not activate this personality in others. The survey created a baseline for analysis to pair with the results of the experiments performed which used priming techniques to study the effect of activating the moral identity while playing a game of sorts which invoked confidence and competition. If ingroup pressures were high, the members tended to deviate more from their baseline identification (morals) which suggests that the Us membership is so strongly valued that we are willing to disregard our beliefs to align with the norm of the

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