
Use Of An Ipad On Challenging Behavior And Academic Engagement Essay

Good Essays

Question 1:

Neely, L., Rispoli, M., Camargo, S., Davis, H., & Boles, M. (2013). The effect of instructional

use of an iPad® on challenging behavior and academic engagement for two students with

autism. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 7(4), 509-516.

I found this article by performing a search on Google scholar, then found the full version of the article from the Science Direct Journal and downloaded it through the the library 's journal databases. The search terms that I used were “iPad” “classroom” “disability” and “teaching”. I chose this article because it was conducted within the last two years and included research specific to student academic engagement in relation to their changed behavior.
Question 2:

The author provided a literature review of the popularity of use of the iPad in the classroom, among students with or without disabilities. The review found that students with disabilities had greater engagement and behavioral response rates when using iPads and teaching applications on the iPads as opposed to more traditional methods of teaching. Through this background knowledge, the author sets up her research proposal.
Question 3:

The author proposes to evaluate the “effects of delivering academic instruction through an iPad versus traditional materials (paper, pencil and flashcards) on the occurrence of challenging and academic engagement behavior for children with ASD (autism spectrum disorder)” (2013, p. 510).

Question 4:

The sources used

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