
Use Of Irony In The Cast Of Amontillado

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In the short story “Cast of Amontillado”, by Edgar Allan Poe, the author emphasizes through the use of irony the idea that revenge can consume an individual. In the text it states that the main character, Montresor, had a desire for revenge. During the night of Carnival, Montresor lures Fortunato into these catacombs by telling him about a certain wine. Fortunato, being a wine enthusiast, takes the bait ultimately leading to detrimental outcomes. Through the use of irony, the reader fully comprehends the evil intentions of Montresor. During the journey, Montresor seemed concerned of the extent of Fortunato’s condition and says, “ ‘We will go back, your health is precious…’ ” (Poe 393). The sudden caring nature of Montresor reveals a sense of suspicion, therefore helping the reader indicate the use of verbal irony. Although he is saying this, in reality he had no intention of turning around and disregarded the fact he was indeed ill. His use of reverse psychology is deceiving and manipulative leading back to the theme that the desire of revenge can become obsessive. …show more content…

As Fortunato is struggling from the harsh nitre he states, “ ‘Enough,’ he said; ‘the cough is a mere nothing; it will not kill me, I shall not die of a cough,’ ‘True-true,’ ” (Poe 392). Montresor reassurance that Fortunato will not die of a cough helps prove the fact that Montresor knows he will die, yet tells Fortunato this to eliminate suspicion. The use of verbal irony makes it seem like the cough is inconsequential, when in reality he knows the magnitude of Fortunato’s situation . It also demonstrates how devious Montresor is and how he was willing to lie in order to carry out his plan. Montresor goes to the furthest extremes causing it to ravage his moral virtues and

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