
Use of Contrasts in Poe's The Masque (Mask) of the Red Death

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Use of Contrasts in The Masque of the Red Death

"There were buffoons, there were improvisatori, there were ballet-dansers, there

were musicians, there was beauty, there was wine. All these and security within. Without was the Red Death." (Poe, 209) In the short story, The Masque of the Red Death, Edgar

Allen Poe uses the sanctity within the abbey walls to juxtapose the harshness and

inescapable nature of the Red Death. The author uses the contrasts between the abbey

and the Red Death to reveal the true character of Prince Prospero, to suggest the

presence of the Red Death in the abbey, and to aide in the climax of events.

While the Prince's people are suffering outside the abbey walls, he is …show more content…

While the prince is safe and content within the abbey walls, his people are dying from the

horrible plague. The apathetic nature of Prince Prospero surrounding the welfare of his

people suggests that he is a cold and uncaring man. Poe presents these two very different settings to portray the callous nature of Prince Prospero.

Even though the Prince is seemingly safe from the Red Death within the Abby,

the impending presence of the plague can be seen within the descriptions of the last

apartment in the Prince's suite. Poe's descriptions mirror many made during the opening

paragraph of the story surrounding the plague. "The panes here were scarlet - a deep

blood color."(Poe, 210) This imagery combined with the reluctance of his subjects to

enter the apartment, evoke a feeling of mortality in the reader. In this sense Poe uses

setting, specifically that of the last apartment, to capture the essence of the plague in the

sanctity of the abbey.

In the final scene of the story, the two worlds that Poe creates are joined. During the masquerade ball an unknown figure enters commanding the attention of the entire affair. When closely examined, the guests realize that the unknown figure is wearing he mask of a corpse. None readily oppose his entrance and the stranger makes his way to the

king who

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