
Using Electronic Health Records

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Although, there are exceptions to what is fact and what is known and used by medical professionals in the way medical records are created. An EMR is an electronic record that contains the standard Medical and clinical data gathered in one providers’ office are hospital setting. And EHRs are used with the EHRs (Electronic Health Records) for the collection of the data that is created, managed and consulted by authorized providers and health care staff across more than one health organization. The Software must always be secure and provide twenty-four-hour monitoring. As for paper, humans may Q and A, but still are subject to mistakes stored for several years and then discarded. Thus, questioning the need for EMRs and/or paper which will …show more content…

It is designed to improve the way health care professionals provide care. EMRs save time and reduce human medication errors thus providing the best documentation that is legible and proficient. With the EMRs prescriptions can be sent to the pharmacies without delay and reducing the time of illness to patients whom can start medications immediately. Patients always have the right to have safe and secure medical care with their information done accurate and kept secure. “Electronic records enable you to give only authorized personnel access to patient data” (O'Connor, 2014). The electronic documents are linked to the system of taking vital signs which sync to the chart automatically when taken which saves time when charting (Brittany Wilson, …show more content…

From the first man to go into space to the first mechanical heart. The evolution Of Computer and the EMR has changed the way that the data is recorded and saved is improving year by year. EMR gives the patients access to their vital information and lets them become more active in the decisions based on the information that has been collected electronically from blood tests to diagnostic screenings. Being able to view it in a matter of seconds versus weeks would make the difference in a diagnosis to save a life. (o'Connor, 2014) 5 Reasons why Electronic Health Records are More secure than paper Records, The complete guide to Electronic Heath Records, pgs. 1, (, 2010) (Brittany Wilson, 2017)EMR Or Paper Charting, Nurse Link, pgs. 1, (Sharp, 2012)Why EMR is a dirty word to many Doctors,, pgs. 1,

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