
Using Hormone Added Milk On Potential Products And Its Impact Essay

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Using hormone added milk in potential products and its impact As our society becomes increasingly more health conscious and aware of what ingredients are being put into potential products for consumption purposes, Starbucks from an entire organizational perspective should be just as aware of the ingredients that they are inserting into their various product lines. Starbucks currently is under a tremendous amount of scrutiny and pressure to serve milk that does not contain any traces of genetically modified organisms. The excessive use of these chemicals has a potentially negative effect on the human body along with the environment; therefore, customers are constantly demanding healthier alternatives.
Moreover, “the switch to organic would prevent Starbucks customers from ingesting antibiotics used in industrialized farming—a common practice which speeds animal growth and milk production, but has perpetuated the spread of potentially fatal, antibiotic –resistant bugs” (Deike, 2014). The use of these hormones into the milk aids farmers in all facets of production; moreover, making it possible to produce larger quantities at an exponential rate that are inherently cheaper.
The problem remains that the risk of ingestion for humans of these chemicals is not widely accepted based upon the potential risk factors to future health and quality of life. Starbucks needs to provide potential consumers with clear product descriptions to outline their policy of transparency across

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