Organizations are beginning to realize that using outdated mainframes is no longer a viable pathway for meeting their data needs. This in turn has given way for the development and use of Cloud Computing. According to Fee (2013), the “history of the cloud dates back as far as the 1950s” with the concept of “timesharing,” in which several computers within an organization would share one giant “mainframe” computer (Fee, 2013, A brief…, para. 1). This eventually led to the creation of “ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network)” by “J.C.R. Licklider,” who hoped “that someday everyone would be able to access data and programs from any location” (Fee, 2013, A brief…, para. 2). Suffice to say, Licklider’s dreams are now a reality as …show more content…
Cloud Computing as it Relates to Christianity “An account of my own ideas about what Christian use of” Cloud Computing “means” (Liberty University, 2015) To understand “my own ideas about what Christian use of” Cloud Computing “means,” a discussion of Jesus’ ministry must first be conducted (Liberty University, 2015). To begin with, Jesus promoted His ministry (usually through performing miracles) along merchant trade routes (Belch & Belch, 2015, p. 151). This in turn promoted the spread of the gospel via merchant “word-of-mouth” into other kingdoms. In a similar manner, the modern day church uses Cloud Computing to promote “God’s Kingdom” through mass media advertising on computer servers around the world (Radloff, 2014, Is…, para. 21). The church is able to achieve this through extending its “operations and content into a new flexible and current media” (Radloff, 2014). Of course, this means total reliance on Cloud Computing, which is not in accordance with worshipping and trusting completely in God. Especially, when considering that “Cloud computing goes hand in hand with another trend: the netbookization and iPadization of the PC, with its transformation into a beautifully designed but lobotomized device that relies on an Internet umbilical cord to do…its actual computing” (Grossman, 2011, Cloud…, para. 8). Hence, to fully understand these benefits and
The acknowledged meaning of Cloud Computing originates from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The NIST definition rushes to a few hundred words yet basically says that; Cloud computing is a model for empowering advantageous, on-interest system access to a common pool of configurable registering assets that can be quickly provisioned and discharged with insignificant administration exertion or management supplier cooperation. What this implies in plain terms is the capacity for end clients to use parts of mass assets and that these assets can be obtained rapidly and effectively. NIST likewise presents a few qualities
International Journal of Cloud Computing: Peer-reviewed open access journal, it publishes research crossing all aspects of Cloud Computing. Basically centered around center components, including Cloud applications, Cloud systems and the advances that will prompt the Clouds without bounds, the journal will likewise show review and survey papers that present new bits of knowledge and establish the frameworks for encouraging exploratory and experimental work. The journal disseminates research that imparts progressed hypothetical establishing and functional application of Clouds and related systems, as empowered by mixes of web-based programming, advancement stacks and database availability and virtualized equipment for storing, handling, analysis and visualizing data. A scope will look at Clouds nearby such different standards as Peer to Peer (P2P) figuring, Cluster processing and Grid registering. Scope reaches out to issues of administration, governance, trust and
In the following rhetorical analysis, I will analyze “Cloud Computing for Increased Business Value” by Abdulaziz Alijabre. Alijabre received his Doctorate degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Bridgeford and is currently a CEO of System security solution company. Alijabre has written numerous articles and “Cloud Computing for Increased Business Value” was written in January 2012. This article gives a perception of how using cloud computing can be beneficial and yet create obstacles in business. The
In the following rhetorical analysis, I will analyze “Cloud Computing for Increased Business Value” by Abdulaziz Alijabre. Alijabre received his Doctorate degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Bridgeford and is currently a CEO of System security solution company. Alijabre has written numerous articles and “Cloud Computing for Increased Business Value” was written in January 2012. This article gives a perception of how using cloud computing can be beneficial and yet create obstacles in business. The author examines specific types of businesses that will benefit from
Cloud computing is a new technology that comes with both benefits and drawbacks and like any new tech it can be used to great success when paired with steps to mitigate the security issues it raises. Cloud computing has become somewhat of an ambiguous term often having different meaning for different people. An article in InfoWorld (2013) stated, ”Cloud computing comes into focus only when you think about what IT always needs: a way to increase capacity or add capabilities on the fly without investing in new infrastructure, training new personnel, or licensing new software. Cloud computing encompasses any
Within the past 10 years our societies technological advantages have been somewhat space age like, even alien like characteristics. Technologies, which ten years ago only existed in our dreams but yet, have become reality. Things like, the revolutionary iPhone and its almost seamless touch-screen tech; as well as the new advancements in our cultures most prized possession, The Internet. In this subject-based paper, I will take a closer look into a fairly new emerging technology, which is simply referred to as…Cloud Technology. The synopsis will cover, what and how cloud technology works, its
Cloud computing has set a trend in the information technology arena that has sparked the interest of all who utilize the internet on purpose and unsuspectingly. Initially, the primary purpose of cloud computing was to provide a centralized data bank that organizations could use for quick data access. Its use has been quickly adapted, however, beyond business use to become the first option for personal use. The advantages and disadvantages of implementing such a shift from business to personal are varied, yet, statistically, according to the CISCO Global Cloud Index: Forecast and Methodology, 2014-2019 White Paper, its public use is on the rise. The report notes that “by 2019, 56 percent of the cloud workloads will be in public cloud data centers, up from 30 percent in 2014 and by 2019, 44 percent of the cloud workloads will be in private cloud data centers, down from 70 percent in 2014”. Though disadvantages with regard to data security is prominent, users have deemed that its implementation will still promote greater benefits than loss.
Schaffer, H. E., Averitt, S. F., Hoit, M. I., Peeler, A., Sills, E. D., & Vouk, M. A. (2009, July). NCSU's Virtual Computing Lab: A Cloud Computing Solution. Computer, 94-97.
In his article “Online 24/7: ‘Life Logging’ Pioneer Clarifies the Future of Cloud Computing”, Larry Greenemeier (2011) describes the idea of cloud technology, where it stands today and where we are heading to. According to Greenemeier’s article, the idea of cloud computing is to make all the information and services available via web. It will enable access to data and apps without the need for a lot of storage or processing power on the devices themselves.
The concept that I chose to talk about for my information competency paper is the process of Cloud Computing. Obviously, the cloud in this instance isn’t some big puffy thing in the sky. In this case, the cloud is just used as a metaphor for the internet. Cloud computing can be put into a very simple context. Cloud computing can be defined as accessing saved data and different programs over the Internet, instead of getting it from your computer's personal hard drive. The “cloud” is essentially just a metaphor for the Internet. The cloud secures connections and puts out information whenever you want. One of the biggest problems with
Though the actual history of cloud computing is not that old (the first business and consumer cloud computing services websites – and Google, were launched in 1999), the story of cloud computing is intertwined directly with the creation of the Internet and business, the answer to the unsolved question of how internet utilization can help improve business technology was and is cloud computation. Business technology history is both extensive and interesting, almost as extensive as business itself, but the invention of computers are most responsible for the influence on business technology. Cloud computing, like all other innovation was nurtured in the right environment to take off, as multi-tenant architectures, highly
These days, I've got my head in the clouds, quite literally. No, I haven't applied to the wrong academic department. As much as I appreciate the study of meteorology, my clouds are more solid, more concrete. They also have as much of an impact on our daily lives as the clouds that hang over our heads during the day. As a hobby and in fulfillment of my undergraduate studies, I've started to pick apart the architecture of cloud-based computing. Cloud-based computing is the prevailing trend in computer networking, according to Vertical Systems Reseller writer Julie Ritzer Ross (2011). Most enterprises and many individuals are starting to rethink the way they use computer systems. Networking is the fundamental need for consumers and businesses alike. But while clouds seem simple from a network architecture standpoint, they most certainly present challenges the likes of which thrill me to be able to tackle. In particular, I see a pressing need for network security. While information system management and information security specialists will develop the protocols that will promote enhanced data assurance, it comes down to sensible practical engineering to deliver the goods. I am passionate about helping people work better with technology because I have seen the ways technology transforms lives, in my own community.
The article starts by mentioning that cloud computing provides highly scalable infrastructure and the services provided are of low cost which can be paid as we use. Cloud computing poses many threats and exploitation due to
Cloud computing is a topic of which much is assumed. The average person recognizes the term “cloud computing” as having to do with their storage from their iPad or iPhone on the online storage area which syncs their Apple devices to their computer. This common cloud is called the iCloud. That is where common knowledge ends about this topic. However, upon further exploration, a deeper understanding is gained with greater explanation, and it is realized that cloud computing is something that is used all of the time on many levels of everyday technology. While the terminology remains cryptic to the mind of most people, the concepts behind the practical uses of cloud computing become quite clear. It is relatable and understandable. Upon this revelation, the iCloud is recognized as the tip of the preverbal iceberg when speaking about cloud computing. It is important to discuss and further understand the many types of cloud computing as well as the various applications to life through technology. This affects how information is stored online, computers are protected, information is secured, emails are processed, and many other factors that are taken for granted in the world of technology. Cloud computing is a general term used to describe how information is stored, utilized, and accessed over the internet. There is no cloud, but the word cloud gives the connotation of an abstract place which is known to exist but is too vast to touch or contain (Griffith,