I made the mind map using an online mind map creator (Appendix 1.0) as I thought it would make it look more professional and easier to follow.
The mind map starts off with the central bubble with the title Health and Wellbeing as this is the topic on which the mind map is based. Following this I have added subheading bubbles which I have used to break down the topic sections. The subheadings are models, determinants, health and wellbeing. I chose these topics as my subheadings because they are the main sections of the aforementioned topic.
The first section of the mind map I would like to address is models. I chose the topic of models to be one of my subheadings because it is one of the main parts of health and wellbeing. The models I have
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This suggests “that each one of these factors is not sufficient to bring about health or illness, but the interaction between them is what determines outcomes.” (Boundless, 2015).
In the biopsychosocial model the biological refers to the genetic factors, the psychological refers to the emotional and behavioural factors and the social refers to environmental factors as shown in the mind map
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This model reduces health down to environmental factors or factors influenced by ones “social world”. Factors included in this model which are suggested to influence health are lifestyle, diet, social class, income, employment status and many more. Just a few of these can be seen in the mind map. It is evident to all how lifestyle and diet can affect ones health, however it may not be so clear to see how social class and employment can have the same effect. In reality all areas covered in the social model are somehow linked e.g. if you are unemployed then your income will be low and you will be in a low social class, this in turn will mean that your diet is more than likely going to be poor due to the fact that there will not be much money to pay for food, overall leading to poor
Hi, Marica the mind maps are vibrant and colorful. Based on your video description your essay selection are altogether different from one another. However, the subject matter varied in content and emphasis may allow for expansive data collection and research. However, many of the subjects often overlap when one asked the right questions and narrowed the focus to a particular problem. The positive is you have found links to thread the pieces together. Although they maybe small links as you move forward I believe it will naturally take shape for you. You did an excellent job on the mapping; it helped inspire my mapping process. Perhaps during your research, you may search with keywords to relate to all three essays to find more links to your
Biopsychosocial model this describes that we all take things differently when experiencing mental health. When someone has experienced physical illness they can also experience mental health issues
The three factor According to Gardland, E (2016) Model 3 [class handout]. “the biopsychosocial model(Engel,1977) is a general model or approach that states that biological, psychological (which entails thoughts, emotions, and behaviors), and social factors (abbreviated “BPS”) all play a significant role in human functioning in the context of disease or illness.” The biopsychosocial model is a broad view that attributes or disease outcome to the intricate, when dealing with the human being is extremely complicated process. On the other hand, the development of psychology, biology and sociology contributed consistently to understand about the process of human development. It very important to address every situation with ample opportunities to develop physically, psychologically and socially. According to Gardland, E (2016) Model 3 [class handout]. “The biopsychosocial model implies that treatment of abnormal behavior, for example, depression, requires that health care team address biological, psychological and social influences upon a patient’s functioning.
The other day, I had a discussion with both Marjane and Jim concerning Dr. Lewis' email about working on the psychology mapping for the guided pathway efforts. Without going into speculations about her motives, I think it is important that we are prepared to develop a BHS map program for the guided pathway efforts.
The overall health of the population can be due impart to the living conditions in which they experience, rather than traditional risk factors of health we first think of. The umbrella term social determinants of health (SDH) can be defined as: the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life.
In order for this assignment to be written, a visualisation was produced as part of the process. The idea behind this was to create a strong focus on one particular aspect of a mental health issue which would then allow a question
A persons health status is determined by the range of personal, social, economic and environmental factors (Healthy People , 2016). The determinants of health build upon each other, Dahlgren and Whitehead (1991) created the ‘rainbow’ model of health. This looks at the determinants of health in a bigger picture and looking at each person as an individual instead of just being labelled obese. Dahlgren and Whitehead (1991) state that health is dependant on the persons genes, lifestyle, environment and health care. Level one of the rainbow model starts with ‘age, sex, constitutional factors’, this is looking at how the person is ‘made’, looking at their genetics. Some children who are labelled obese could have developed obesity, an illness
The core argument of this book points back to individual autonomy, a sense of control over the lifestyle one chooses to live. Marmot believes this to be as big of a factor as financial circumstances. He states that “The circumstances in which we live—that foster autonomy and control over life, love, happiness, social connectedness, riches that are not measured by money—affect illness” (Marmot, 14). Inequalities in health present themselves because such benefits of life are disbursed unequally throughout society. From a public health perspective, the term health is defined as the complete mental, physical, and social well- being of an individual and not merely the absence of disease. However, to the average individual, health is mostly associated with the physical well- being of a person rather than any other aspect mentioned. Marmot also notes that “The lower in hierarchy you are, the less likely it is that you will have full control over your life and opportunities for full social participation," (page 23). This implies that individual autonomy and one’s social participation, or lack thereof, may lead to deterioration in health. In no way does this divert attention from things such as genetics and medical care as essentials to health; rather, this places emphasis on circumstances in which people live and/or work as other major influences of health. For example, someone with a formal education and a wealthy upbringing will most likely experience a longer life with better health as opposed to someone without education and a high income. Even with this information, it is still difficult to conclude whether education would lead to great health for all. If you place education on the backburner and put income on center stage, you may notice that the findings are almost identical: low income
Dahlgren and Whitehead’s (1991) model, as described by Warwick-Booth, Cross and Lowcock (2012), is made up of a core containing a number of fixed determinants of health, including sex, age and hereditary factors. The model then consists of four layers surrounding the core. The first layer is based on individual lifestyle factors, which can include
The BioPsychoSociol model is important because it integrates biological, psychological and sociology factors to help us understand human functions and explain why human beings do certain behaviors/illnesses.
The determinants of health are economic and social conditions that affect people’s health status. These influence the living and working conditions that impacts people’s everyday living condition. Factors such as the place and the environment we live in, genetics, educational level or work status and income, as well as friends and family are some of the aspects that affects our health condition. On the other hand, the people that have an access to good health care and have financial stability are less susceptible and are often less affected. (NANB, 2009)
The Biopsychosocial (BPS) model greatly differs because while the biomedical answers the main question “why do people get sick?” the BPS also answers the question “why else do people get sick?” [9] According to the BPS model, the human being is complex and must be understood as a whole. That there is a relationship between body, mind and environment and that one aspect affects the others. Health and illness are caused by multiple factors and have multiple effects, from the biological or cellular level
The way in which this mind map has assisted me to obtain a greater understanding of the concept is by the visual image of the tree branch form. It identifies organ structures that is included in one system but may also be included in another. For example, the testes and ovaries produce hormones and are therefore part of the endocrine system; however, these same
“Healthy individuals cannot survive when society is sick.” On the other hand, aspects of social structure influence health and illness. Social factors not only affect life expectancy, but the possibilities the one will experience diseases and in turn, the health care that they will receive.
The mind is about mental processes, thought and consciousness. The body is about the physical aspects of the brain-neurons and how the brain is structured. Throughout time our ancestors have exemplified the aspect of mind over matter. An example being the Egyptians turning stone into large cut blocks which they used to build the pyramids. The mind is a powerhouse that lets one have the ability to discriminate and reason. In todays society there is an entire career field to go into that deals with mental stability. The reason being is that without mental stability our ability to reason is damaged and our lives are thrown off balance. This will lead to mistakes made in everyday life. Exercise and nutrition have now been scientifically proven to help combat against the three main mental imbalances of stress, depression, and anxiety disorders. Depression stress and anxiety are no joke, as they can kill you!