Focus: Samantha’s family will improve communication with peers and authority figures in various settings. Ms. Smalls (MHP), Ms. Smith (MHS) and Samantha discuss using verbal communication to express emotions. Intervention: MHP request for a report of Samantha’s recent displayed behaviors. MHP, MHS and Samantha process displayed behaviors in the home and the outcomes. MHP and MHS listen to Samantha verbally express her emotions. MHP validate Samantha’s emotions about being in foster care and wanting to be with biological family. Response: MHS report Samantha had an incident that Samantha display defiant, aggression and disrespect for personal space. MHS explain Samantha return home from school upset and when asked refuse to communicate.
Intervention: Ms. Smalls (MHP), Santonias and Ms. Givens (MHS) discussed Santonias complying with the rules of the home. MHP and Santonias had a discussing about his NFL football team as a way to build rapport. MHP requests feedback on possible goals from Santonias and MHS for Individual Plan of Care. MHP, Santonias and MHS discuss and process an incident that happened at the school’s gym.
8. Selenna has displayed disrespect, manipulating and defiant behaviors in the home. MHS report Selenna, refuses to talk about her past traumas to start the healing process.
Focus: Santonias and family will learn and develop firm, consistent limits and maintain appropriate boundaries. Ms. Smalls (MHP), Santonias and Ms. Givens (MHS) debrief recent incidents in the home and community.
Steve Ross, a 16 year old African American male, completed an Agape Family Counseling assessment to monitor his progression. Steve’s teacher reported concerns about Steve’s relationship with his peers to Mrs. Ross. In the past, Steve stated that his classmates would exclude him from their activities. Steve stated that, he would explain things in a literal manner which would could his peers to “make fun” of him. Mrs. Ross also reported that Steve would only talk in detail about the subjects that he was interested in. Mrs. Ross also expressed concern about his social skills among his peers.
Response: MHS expresses the goals are suitable for the youth in care. Taliana asks questions about the interventions and returning home to biological father and step mother. Taliana and MHS provide additional information about Taliana’s behavior patterns. MHS ensure Taliana ask all her questions before MHP explain the length of the IPOC. Taliana express comprehension of each section of the IPOC. MHS check her calendar for the next visit.
A: MHP discussed with Ty’Kevinyon the importance of interacting with his peers. MHP advised Ty’Kevinyon to verbalize how his behavior impacts others. MHP advised Ty’Kevinyon to verbalize connections between thoughts/feelings and behavior. MHP recommended that Ty’Kevinyon increase positive social interactions at home and in his community. MHP advised Ty’Kevinyon to make two positive self-statements each session. MHP advised Ty’Kevinyon to increase the times he makes self-affirming statements. MHP recommended that Ty’Kevinyon identify and discuss personal strengths each month in the sessions. MHP provided reinforcements for positive behavior and better social skills.
Action: MHS was finishing up a meeting with Jonathan’s adoption worker. Jonathan was sitting in the chair next to MHS. Johnathan appeared calm and not involved in the meeting. MHP and MHS discuss communicating with Jonathan and he adjust to the home. Johnathan become very vocal and active. Jonathan was looking through the window yelling as people walk by the home. MHS asked Johnathan to move from the window because Johnathan pulled down the curtains. MHP and MHS observed Johnathan move around the home without assistance. MHS report Jonathan is learning the family member’s names. MHS provide a report of Jonathan’s behaviors in the community and at
3.1 Describe how communication with children and young people differs across different age ranges and stages of development
Intervention: MHP, MHS and Isaiah discuss his ability to increase verbal communication in the home. MHP, MHS and Isaiah role-play different form of communication verbal and non-verbal communication. MHP praise Isaiah for his willingness to verbally express his emotions. MHP request for MHS to provide insight to Isaiah’s verbal communication with family members. MHP encourage Isaiah to be honest when answering questions. MHP, MHS and Isaiah complete a worksheet verbally practicing different forms of communications.
Steven A. Beebe, Susan J. Beebe, Mark V. Redmond ,Terri M. Geerinck . Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others, Pearson Education Canada; 5 edition (Feb. 15 2010)
This is our final assignment for your class, and because of my communication issues with my children, I am writing this paper again and will have to redo all of my presentation. When I started this class, I was stunned because I thought I knew everything I needed about communication. Well as you can guess, I was wrong I have learned quite a bit along this long journey through Introduction to Communication. I am here writing about some of the key points of communication that I have learned and hopefully I will be able to show you that I was able to learn from you and your
One way Maurice William’s faces problems in the foster homes is to have a meeting with every foster parent under their program every three months. In this meeting, all issues are discussed in great length and an appropriate procedure to deal with each specific problem are agreed upon and implemented so that the problems do not come up
Nathaniel struggles with expressing his needs and feeling with peers and adults. When Nathaniel experience difficulties communicating his
Intervention: CSP and MHS discussed the youth’s growth and progress with this goal. CSP assisted the youth with practicing ways of expressing emotions in an age appropriate manner. CSP and MHS discussed emotions of how MHS treats her in diverse setting. CSP praised the youth for being honest about her emotions. CSP and MHS discussed homework of working on communication.
Since the start of this class, I have been reminded again and again that the concepts we are learning can be applied to everyday life. For instance, when we talked about non-verbal communication, I realized that it is impossible to not communicate. There are many activities, other than the use of language, that allow us to draw meaning from something we observe. When my mother widens her eyes at me without stating a word, I understand she is telling me to think twice about the action I’m about to take. It has been great to be able to assign concepts and vocabulary to interpersonal relationships and communication activity that I have been experiencing. Now let me introduce you to my friend Izzy and her boyfriend Ken as I analyze the