Article 1 Overview: This study investigated the utilization of satellite information to screen carbon monoxide (CO) and particulate matter (PM) in Northern Thailand throughout the dry season when woodland flames are known to be a vital reason for air contamination. Satellite information, incorporating Measurement of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT) CO, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer vaporized optical profundity (MODIS AOD), and MODIS fire hotspots, were examined with air contamination information measured at nine programmed air quality overseeing stations in the study range for February–April months of 2008–2010. The association examination indicated that every day CO and PM with size beneath 10 μm (Pm10) were connected with the woodland fire hotspot include, particularly the country regions with the most extreme relationship coefficient (R) of 0.59 for CO and 0.65 for Pm10. The correspondences between MODIS AOD and Pm10, between MOPITT CO and CO, and between MODIS AOD and MOPITT CO were additionally dissected, affirming the companionship between these variables. Two backwoods fire scenes were chosen, and the scattering of contamination tufts was mulled over utilizing the MOPITT CO downright segment and MODIS AOD information, together with the surface wind vectors. The outcomes demonstrated consistency between the crest scatterings, areas of thick hotspots, ground checking information, and common winds. The satellite information were indicated to be
This chapter of the book discussed some of the pollutants that are discharged into the air from coal-fired utilities. It explained how weather conditions play a role in exposure and explained the measuring criteria for particulates. It explained how some particulates stay in the atmosphere longer and therefore travel a greater distance till exposure. It then discussed federal involvement in the issue and some of the Clear Air legislation that has been passed over the years starting with the Air Pollution Control Act of 1955. There were six pollutants that were determined to pose the greatest risk, carbon monoxide, lead, particulate matter (now subdivided be particle size), ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide. The final report listed
Even if all countries in the world contribute to the air pollution, the developed countries take the leading role on releasing carbon monoxide in the air. This toxic air increases risk of the ozone layer depletion, which potentially would expose UVB radiation at the earth. This UVB radiation has negative consequences on humans, animals, plants and other planetary creatures. In addition to UVB radiation the polluted air by itself can cause serious health problems for humankind. Moreover, this process would cause the earth to become warmer which consequence of global warming. Industries and transportation takes the first place for the source of emissions of air
The biomass and density of trees surrounding each plot were also recorded. A static chamber method was used to measure the fluxes of the three GHG. The method was carried out using a closed cylindrical chamber equipped with a small fan, and gas concentrations were measured with an infrared, non-dispersive scope. There were other more detailed, accurate methods used as well to be more accurate with exact numbers for the concentrations of each gas. The concentrations of each gas were compared between each location and results are as follows: As the thickness of the active layer increased, all three greenhouse gas emissions increased. Carbon dioxide fluxes increased with time since the last fire, with the 1969 fire area having the highest CO2 emissions, and the 2012 fire area having the lowest CO2 emissions. Methane fluxes had a significant increase in the 1990 fire area, and a lower influx in all other fire areas. Nitrous oxide had a high influx in every fire area except for the 1990 area, where the fluxes were significantly lower. Addressed in the discussion, the authors write about how their results indicate that areas affected by fire will take approximately 50 years to fully recover to their pre-fire conditions. As well, areas with a recent fire had much lower soil moisture than areas with a long time since last
Stationary and mobile sources contribute to the ozone precursor emission sources, while human and natural sources contribute to particulate material sources. Stationary sources are also known as point sources of pollution because they emit large amount of pollution from a single locations, and include power plants, industrial facilities, and factories. Smaller stationary sources are called areas sources, and they include agricultural burning, house paints, pesticides, and gas stations. Mobile sources, which account for more than half of all air pollution, include vehicles, motorcycles, construction equipment, trains, farm tractors, aircrafts, and utility equipment. Human sources of pollution include agricultural operations, combustion of wood or fossil fuels, and industrial processes. Finally, natural sources of pollution include wildfires and windblown dust. Wildfires in the surrounding mountain ranges have also had significant effects on the air quality in Central Valley, as the smoke exposes people to higher amounts of particulate matter. A study conducted during the 2008 outbreak of wildfires in northern and central California found that concentrations of particulate matter are not only higher, but also more toxic during wildfires compared to normal air from the same region during a comparable
Data sets measuring water vapor, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen levels from land with recent prescribed burns, recent natural burns, and a control, with no recent burns. I would likely be able to obtain water vapor, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen levels for land with recent prescribed burns from Manitou Experimental Forest. In order to have a chance to get statistical significance I
In the Mojave Desert, the bad air quality is caused mainly by the wildfires, exhaust from vehicles, and power plants in the surrounding areas. The desert’s ecosystem is impacted by elements
In today’s complex and interdependent earth systems, air pollution does not only affect human as a whole, but also the entire ecological systems that involves forests and wildlife (animals). Air pollution are caused
Globally, many countries are increasingly feeling the effects of environmental degradation. This has been occasioned by the increasingly evident effects of poor environmental conservation policy. There are currently taking the brunt of environmental degradation that has been occasioned by rapid the industrialization that has occurred both within and out of the country. “Air pollution has been at fault for a significant portion of the country’s environmental problems. Studies have identified the country’s economic boom as major contributor to this (Jitendra and Tanvi, 42)”. In East Asia, yellow dust it calls “Asian dust” is the biggest issue, which is mostly influenced by China’s industrialization and coal burning electrical generating plants. The main issue concerning South Korea and Japan is the air pollution caused by China's rapid economic growth crossing the boundaries into these two countries, it is blown from China to Korea and Japan causing hazardous air pollution. There causes many problems, it occurs respiratory problems, an increase in incidence of acid rain, highway accidents, and forcing many residents to stay home. Also, dust will enter a human’s mouth and organ which will cause respiratory problems through inhalation. “Air pollutants are gaseous or particulate matter which that have an impact on human health and natural ecosystems” (Lee, Adeel, 134).
Over the past decade, particulate matter (PM) is increasing the air pollution at an exceeding
Whilst strong positive trend in PM concentrations are generally attributed to anthropogenic emissions and natural biogenic emissions, it is also affected by the physical meteorology and climate (Guo et al., 2014; Kirtman, B. et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2016). Climate in China is largely modulated by the East Asian Monsoon and climate teleconnections with the Niño-Southern Oscillation and the Arctic, therefore air quality in China is affected by the variations and change in these climate systems (Cheng et al., 2016; H. Wang et al., 2015; Zhu et al., 2012; Zou et al., 2017).
In recent years, California’s Central Valley has gone from being America’s breadbasket to a near-dystopian wasteland—a landscape beset with air pollution with strikingly diverse causes. Five of the ten most polluted American cities can be found in this region (Wheeler, Morris and Gordon). This is not surprising given the host of actual and potential causes of air pollution problem in the heart of California. Ground level ozone is a major type of pollution in the Valley that primarily causes summertime “smog,” produced through the photochemical or sunlight-induced reactions between volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) (San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District 3). The other type of pollution, particulate matter (PM), refers to small solid or liquid particles that form in the atmosphere through gases or photochemical reactions. While the causes of air pollution in the Central Valley are undoubtedly manifold, the region’s agricultural practices still count as the most substantial factors for this environmental problem; in any case, the Valley’s unique meteorological and topographical conditions exacerbate the level of air pollution.
Another big problem in polluting places and things is air pollution which can make air foggy, unbreathable, and toxic. According to “34 Facts about Pollution”, the text states breathing the air in Mumbai, India, for just one day is equivalent to smoking 100 cigarettes. One of the things that can cause air pollution is releasing factory fuels and fossil fuels into the air. We also cause it from burning certain things like plastic, chemicals, and other
That year marked the worst man-made disaster which largely comes from forest fires burning in Indonesia. It continues to threaten Malaysian air quality today as it occurs from time to time at local and urban area, such as in Klang Valley. This will become a major problem to Malaysian because it reduces visibility and deteriorates human health as well as gives difficulty in breathing and respiratory diseases.
Investigations found that, forest burning in Indonesia cause a massive haze in Southeast Asia, resulting health problems, disturbing daily activities and threatening the economy of a country.
Air pollution levels have a large existence in big cities in Indonesia like Jakarta, Bandung, and so on. This problem happens because the number of motor vehicle use that is not limited [1]. Exhaust smog are the cause of air pollution which has the dangerous effects for people’s health. Exhaust smog is a result of burning fuel oil every motor vehicle. There are two types of burning fuel oil: the first is complete burning [2] and incomplete burning [3]. These types of burning have the differentiation in producing the remainder. Complete burning produces carbon dioxide as a result of remaining while incomplete burning produces carbon monoxide as a result of the rest. Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are gases that are harmful to people’s health and could decrease ozone layer [4] [5]. Exhaust smog is hazardous to people’s health. Exhaust smog is a result of burning fuel oil [6]. Consequently, exhaust smog has possibility to contain carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide gas. These harmful gases affect human respiration. Carbon monoxide makes the respiratory system becomes worse. Carbon monoxide will interfere with the process of hemoglobin in breathing [7]. As a result, people will not only feel lack of oxygen but also often feel dizzy and weak. In the other hand, carbon dioxide causes dizziness and fatigue to the sufferer [8]. In the prevention and reduction of the impact of exhaust smog, the Indonesian government decided all motor vehicle users have to check