
Utopian Society Research Paper

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Is it possible to create the perfect, problem free world? Many people do not believe that a utopian society exists because of the requirements. People believe that we can make our own decisions and we should not get controlled by others. A Utopian world is perfect, problem free, and no one can turn on anyone. In this world, there is no starvation or hungry children asking for food. Everyone gets along with one another and no one creates conflicts with each other. To me it sounds too good to be true because there is never a day with no problems in an ordinary world. Utopias have many characteristics such as equality, people working for other people peacefully, everyone in this world getting along, the community being isolated, and a world in which the community provides everything. The definition of a utopian society is a perfect world. …show more content…

My first reason is that in a utopian society there are many things that can go wrong. Everyone has different opinions on things which will create conflict, not everyone will agree on the same thing. In the article the author states “ The criticism of utopia is that it’s impossible to achieve perfection, so why try?” J.C. Hallman, author of “In Utopia” ( 9 Utopias that Really Exist 93). In this article it discusses that some cases it has come to a realization that a perfect society is so impossible why try to make it work. There will never be a society where everyone has one opinion. Almost completely impossible to create. This proves that utopias are not possible because there have been many attempts to create this perfect world and they have failed. Therefore, utopian societies are almost impossible to create and for them to

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