
VEP: Clinical Analysis

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CLINICAL APPLICATION OF VEP: Clinically, VEPs are deemed highly useful as it allows an easy detection with objective and reproducible tests and is comparatively cheaper than MRI tests (Leslie et al 2002). FRAGILE X-SYNDROME: Farzin et al (2008) examined low-level cortical visual processing in infants diagnosed with FXS in order to explore the developmental origin of this putative deficit and found that infants with FXS display significantly higher detection thresholds only for the second-order. AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS (ASD): In a recent study by Weinger et al (2013), traditional VEP techniques were adapted to assess early-stage visual processing in a sample of children with ASD demonstrating that short-duration stimuli can yield sensitive …show more content…

Wenner et al (2014) attributes this to the use of repetitive stimulus patterns (checkerboards). Yet another caveat that is observed in VEP recordings is alpha rhythm phase reset as seen by Ritter et al (2009), who assessed whether the ERP is generated by an evoked potential that is independent of and adds linearly to the ongoing rhythm or there is a (partial) phase resetting of the ongoing rhythm. On other hand, Risner et al (2009) focused on the competing view that the VEP is caused by a partial phase reset of the spontaneous alpha rhythm and found that VEP is independent of the phase of the ongoing alpha rhythm. Along with the above, in conditions such as retinal disease or refractory errors, the amplitude may be smaller and, at very small check sizes, the latency may increase. For this reason, proper refraction is of great importance. Even pattern stimuli VEP has shortcomings and it is observed that A check size of 27 seconds of visual angle may result in normal P100 latency in a patient with cortical blindness. In conditions such as retinal disease or refractory errors, the amplitude may be smaller and, at very small check sizes, the latency may increase. For this reason, proper refraction is of great importance. The VEPs may be normal in patients with the diagnosis of cortical blindness. The usefulness of VEP is limited in malingering and hysterical visual loss. Baumgartner et al reported that as many as 5 of 15 healthy subjects were able to suppress their pattern VEPs. Patterned stimuli can be further differentiated into two types depending upon the stimuli style

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