
Vaccinating Children Persuasive Essay

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Medicine’s Greatest Lifesaver
Millions of lives have been saved thanks to a global effort to vaccinate for deadly diseases. Peter Yeo reports “Immunizations have saved more children than any other medical intervention in the last 50 years” (Reforming the U.N. 118). Yet, a new trend for parents is opting out of vaccinating their children for personal beliefs or religious exemptions. Although, the majority of Americans believe vaccines protect children, and conclusive evidence has proven vaccines can prevent the spread of deadly diseases. Still, a few parents believe vaccinating children is not essential for their health, additionally, they believe an increase in mandatory vaccines has insufficient scientific research to prevent serious medical side effects.
Certainly, supporting the use of immunization at a young age for children is a practical strategy to maintain their health and wellness. Thanks to parents who choose to immunize their children on a voluntary basis, the public health is protected, and there is a reduction in the spread of infectious diseases across the Untied States. Jane Lemons reports, “Although the vast majority of Americans continue to vaccinate their children, studies have found that as many as 1 in 10 parents are delaying or forgoing some or all recommended vaccines for their children” (169). …show more content…

Including what the short-term and long-term consequences are when vaccinations at taken. Nevertheless, “Health officials are quick to point out that the odds a child will die or become disabled from the diseases targeted by vaccines are far greater than being harmed by the vaccine,” concludes Koch (“Vaccine Controversies” 644). True, immunization may save a child’s life, but evidence to prove not being vaccinated will have drastic consequences is not

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