
Vaccinating Children Research Paper

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Outbreaks of preventable diseases happen when parents choose not to vaccinate their children. Vaccines are not only safe, but they are effective as well. Before being introduced to the public, vaccines are carefully reviewed by doctors, scientist and the federal government to make sure they are as safe as they can be. By vaccinating your children and yourself you are protecting everyone else around you love and care about
Over a period of 40 years, the IOM has done more than 60 vaccine safety studies, including an extensive review of the suggested immunization schedule. The IOM committee has not found any evidence of major safety concerns that are related to receiving the suggested vaccinations on time. They believe that this should help to reassure parents. They also advised that while receiving on-time vaccines was not harmful to those who got the vaccines, it is strongly …show more content…

For those who are worried that their children receive too many vaccines in such a short amount of time, data has provided reassurance that timely vaccination during infancy has had no adverse effect on long-term neuropsychological outcomes. The neuropsychological outcomes are one of the largest concerns parents have when it comes to vaccinating their children.
Data has suggested that the MMR vaccination is not associated with the increased risk of pervasive developmental disorders. No increased risk of autism has been after following the exposure to wild measles as well as vaccinations with monovalent measles, and Urabe or Jeryl-Lynn variants of measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. This fat there is no evidence that points to the onset of autistic symptoms or of regression is actually related to measles, mumps and rubella vaccination. Data does not support the association between MMR and

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