
Vaccination Pros And Cons Research Paper

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Vaccines date back to 1796. Since 1796 vaccines has improved and created controversy upon whether vaccinations are the way to go. Many people are against vaccines for personal reasons while others believe that it is an advantage. Vaccines have been proven to save lives and even get rid of diseases while some vaccines have harmful ingredients in them and can be more of a disadvantage than an advantage. Vaccines can protect future generations and prevent current life threatening illnesses. If you get vaccinated it can decrease the chances of your child getting a disease.Mothers who get vaccinated when pregnant also decreases chances of birth defects while mothers who were not vaccinated when pregnant had more of a chance of their baby having birth defects. Getting a vaccine early on can make your body immune to the disease and help your body even if you do happen to catch the …show more content…

Even though vaccines can save lives it can also be life threatening. Vaccines can have many harmful side effects. If a person is allergic to an ingredient in the vaccines it can lead to other complication and maybe soon enough kill them! Some side effects if a person has a allergic reaction to a vaccine it can lead to brain damage, seizures, comas, and lead to more complications. Vaccines are also highly unnatural to the human body. Natural immunity is much more effective than a vaccine. Vaccines contain artificial and poisonous ingredients to your body. In conclusion, I believe that vaccines are highly needed and very useful. Modern medicine is so great and cures so many people and of course it will have flaws but it has way more benefits. If you ask yourself “Where would we be without vaccines?” the answer will be “We would probably all be dead.” If vaccinations did not exist then people would probably already have died off over a deadly diseases. I strongly believe that vaccines will improve as time goes on and save way more

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