
Vaccination Saves Lives : Children 's State Of Health

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Vaccination saves lives. The parent or guardian has complete control in safeguarding their child from effects of illnesses such as measles. Parenting a child is an enormous responsibility as the parent must learn the facts about the possible diseases that can affect their children (Romm, 2001). However, in the public health sector, the importance of vaccination seems to be underestimated. Some of these public health practices not utilized to their maximum capacity hence disease that can be prevented by vaccines primarily remain a threat to the child’s health. Suggestions were drawn that the gap remains because, within the health sector, the process done on a vaccine by vaccine basis. This paper will clearly define the importance of vaccinating children and bring to light the critical importance of vaccination to child development.
The principal purpose of this campaign is to enlighten parents on the importance of involving themselves in their children’s state of health. Parents need to concentrate actively on achievement improvements for their children. During their early life stages, children do not possess the necessary knowledge to education and their life. They, therefore, need their parents to become conversant with their needs, especially in the area of vaccination since it is an important determinant of their health. The life stage of child development that the campaign would deal with is within the early life stages of childhood as this is one of the most crucial

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