
Vaccines Pros Cons

Decent Essays



Over the last couple decades the debate over vaccines has been heated. In the last week there seems to have been a renewed interest. This is likely to the recent occurrence of measles around this country. I feel compelled to share some basic information that will hopefully address concerns regarding vaccines. At the very least, my friends and family can know where I stand.

1st concern: “Vaccines cause autism.”

This claim comes from a study done by Andrew Wakefield in 1998. He published a studied that allegedly connected autism to the MMR vaccine. Several other studies attempted to replicate his work, and did so unsuccessfully. Wakefield’s work was found to be fraudulent and he was struck off the medical registry.

This claim that vaccines cause autism seems to carry on despite an entire lack of supporting evidence. There is a concept in our culture of innocence before guilt. Until a connection can be proven to exist between vaccines and autism, such an idea should be dismissed as harmful and untrue. So far as the science behind the MMR vaccine is understood, Vaccines do not cause autism. Vaccines do in a demonstrable way prevent serious illness.

2nd Concern: “They are not natural.” …show more content…

Is natural good? Is unnatural bad? Illness is natural. Let that sink in. Measles, small pox, the Black plague…. These are natural occurrences. Natural does not equal good for you. Neither does unnatural. Throughout the history of people many unnatural things have been found to be good. Are people born with clothes, glasses, etc…? Are beds found in the wild? There are many natural and unnatural things that are good. There are many natural and unnatural things that are bad. Due to this truth, something being natural or unnatural does not imply good or

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