
Vaclav Havel's The Power Of The Powerless

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The dictatorships of Eastern Europe significantly contrasted the classical dictatorship. In Vaclav Havel’s The Power of the Powerless, the idea of the post-totalitarian system is used to distinguish the dictatorships of Eastern Europe from classical dictatorships on the bases of: its verified historical roots, lack of social distinction of the ruling, open wielding of power, and reliance on ideology . The post-totalitarian system fell victim to the use of ideology as a power source founded in lies and modifications of reality. The threat truth posed to the post-totalitarian system highlighted its fragile dependency on ideology as a source of manipulative power and falsehoods that allowed mankind to cope with its departure from humanity. Ideology …show more content…

In the post-totalitarian system, ideology acted as a facade partition through which humans were able to conceal their obedience as the system drew power from them. Havel highlights this through his example of the greengrocer who places a “Workers of the World, Unite” slogan in his window . The greengrocer does not place this sign in his shop window because of his own interest in the unity of workers, but rather because this has been done for years. The greengrocer places the slogan in his window because he knows that refusal to do so would result in accusations of disloyalty or reproach. Because of these consequences, the sign can be seen as a symbol of the greengrocer’s dependency, compliance and obedience to the powers above him. The greengrocer has no problem with this sign in his window because, at least on the textual surface, the sign indicates a level of impartial conviction. Should the sign be changed, as suggested by Havel, to, “I am afraid and therefore unquestioningly obedient” the greengrocer would have no other choice than but to deny it, regardless of how true the statement, because of his dignity. In this way the sign helped the greengrocer to hide, from himself, the low …show more content…

Havel explains that the primary excusatory function of ideology was to provide people with the illusion that the system was in harmony with human order and the order of the universe . It is because of this that the post-totalitarian system was so deeply rooted in lies. It had to falsify the past, the present and the future to give the illusion that its goals were aligned with those of mankind, although its true goals were in the name of self-service. Individuals may not have necessarily believed these lies, but they behaved as if they did. This means they had to live within a lie and accept their place in it. Doing this confirmed the system thereby giving it more power. Those who accepted the ideological excuses of the system too constituted its power by becoming an active component of that power. This resulted in the system’s power gradually relating more to ideology than to reality, thereby becoming entirely dependent on deceptions. The structure of the system was sustained and held together through the power created from the lies and excuses provided by ideology. It supplied rules and regulations for its subordinates and integrated communication by guaranteeing the inner coherence of the power structure . Here it can be seen that the presence of truth, would have been an undoing element to the functioning of the

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