Yeast is a fungus candida that lives in the vagina in small numbers. A vaginal yeast infection means that the overgrow of yeast cells are growing in the vagina. This infection is very common. Although it can be very uncomfortable, but usually it is not serious; treatment is simple. The symptoms of a yeast infection are itching and soreness in the vagina and sometimes causes pain or burning upon urinate or having sex, and odor. Some women have a thick, clumpy, white discharge that has no odor and looks a little like cottage cheese. These symptoms are more likely to occur during the week before the menstrual period (Pappas et al., 2016). How would you approach management? Treatment depends on species of infecting organism; if a woman has yeast infection and she is …show more content…
Vaginal yeast infections that are severe and that keep coming back should be further investigate with other tests, such as: a vaginal culture, which can confirm a yeast infection, a blood test to find out if woman may have diabetes or another health problem that makes more likely to get yeast infections. Although a yeast infection can be detected during a routine Pap test, this type of test is not typically done to diagnose vaginal infections. What differential diagnosis as to etiology would you include? Chlamydial infection - Chlamydiae are small gram-negative obligate intracellular microorganisms that preferentially infect squamous-columnar epithelial cells. Usually is transmitted by sexual contact through oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse (Torrone, Papp, & Weinstock, 2014). Herpes simplex viruses - also known as HSV, is an infection that causes herpes. Herpes can appear in various parts of the body, most commonly on the genitals or mouth (CDC, 2014). Cervicitis- The most common etiologies of cervicitis are infectious, with sexual transmission of organisms such as with C trachomatis and N gonorrhoeae being the primary means by which it is spread (CDC,
The patient tells me she thinks she has bacterial vaginosis. She had this diagnoses in the past and says it seems somewhat similar to her. She has had a little bit of discharge, which has been a [____] color. She has had really no odor associated with this discharge. It has been present for the last couple of days. Yesterday and only yesterday on one occasion did she had some burning after urination. She has not had that today at all and urination has been normal. She has not noticed any sores or redness down below but she has not really paid much attention either. She had no history of prior sores in the vaginal area. No history of an STD. She is married.
There was yeast cream noted. No erythema to the vaginal walls. No external erythema was noted. No cervical lesions were noted. There was a small amount of a whiter, thicker discharge on the superior vaginal wall. She did have a small, well defined lump on the left side of the labia, measuring about 2 mm in size, very well circumscribed, superficial, had the feeling of a cyst. No overlying redness or other external lesions were noted.
It can also infect the eyes and rectum. 1 in 10 people have been infected with Chlamydia. It its spread through vaginal, anal and oral sex and can be passed on to unborn babies. There can be absolutely no symptoms however if you do have symptoms they can include vaginal bleeding, discharge, pain passing urine, lower abdominal pains, discharge from the penis and testicle pain. This can be treated with antibiotics however if untreated can lead to infertility!
The common organisms transmitted through sexual activities are chlamydia, trichominaisis, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, hepatitis, human papilloma virus, and human immunodeficiency virus. Sites of infection can include oral, genital, and rectal tracts. While some infections may not be cured, all of the common STIs have effective treatments, and early treatments are vital to maintaining the functioning of reproductive systems.
Ellen, a 19 year old college student, has been experiencing some abdominal pain and a burning sensation when urinating when coming home from spring break. Later that week, she observed a small amount of abnormal yellowish vaginal discharge. Ellen remembered, during sexual activity she forgot to urinate afterwards; she had always been told to urinate after having sex, so she believed it to be a Urinary Tract Infection. Ellen, once before had a UTI, so she went to her local pharmacy, and obtain some over-the-counter medicine. Once she started an AZO Urinary Pain Relief the pain during urinating was gone, but the discharge started to get worse and she began to itch around her vagina. After talking to her sorority sister, she began to worry that
According to the World Health Organization, sexually transmitted infections may be defined as infections that are spread primarily through person-to-person sexual contact. There are more than 30 different sexually transmissible bacteria, viruses and parasites.
Vulvovaginal candidiasis is one of the most prevalent vaginal infections and represents, approximately 40%–50% of all cases of infectious vulvovaginitis [22]. The prevalence of RVVC among childbearing women and its importance as an Egyptian public health problem make an interest to continue research on such cases to add deep knowledge on RVVC and to understand the behavior of its pathogen and its epidemiology within Egyptian patients [23]. RVVC and its control by MBL was studied previously, but unfortunately none of the published papers discussed such cases in Egyptian patients. In an attempt to fill this gap, this study was designed on 118 childbearing Egyptian women to find out new therapeutic strategy for RVVC.
A 28-year-old female present to your clinic for evaluation of her vaginal discharge. Discharge has been present for one week; it is different than her normal vaginal discharge. The patient is sexually active with her boyfriend of 3 years. Upon exam, you noticed a homogeneous vaginal discharge, normal vaginal wall otherwise. Microscopic evaluation revealed "clue cells" and fishy smell upon applying potassium hydroxide to the sample. A vaginal secretion pH is greater than 4.5. The most appropriate treatment for this condition is:
How bacterial vaginosis spreads is unknown to how women can get it. Thinking that it is an imbalance of good and bad bacteria that are found naturally in the women’s vagina. By having multiple sex partners or new sex partners and douching can have affect on the balance of the bacteria in the women’s vigina while making you at a high risk for getting BV. Unknown to how sex contrubutes to having bacterial vaginosis it is not considering an STD but it can increase your chances of getting one. You can not get BV by sitting on or using the toilet seats, bleeding, or swimming in pools.
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common vaginal infection in women ages 15-44 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2017). BV infection occurs in sexually active women and is linked to an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina. Douching and new or multiple sexual partners increases the risk of getting BV.Researchers do not know the cause of BV or how some women get it (CDC, 2017). The significance of the study was to evaluate the vaginal bacteria levels from healthy women and women with bacterial vaginosis (BV) The health care providers should provide consistent education on BV. Most importantly, the women want
For years I had suffered from tiredness, itchy skin, unexplained rashes, and more recently sharp abdominal pains that would not go away. It was just recently that I found out that I had a huge overgrowth of Candida yeast in my system.
If you have a yeast infection, or fear to have one in the future, you absolutely must change the way you live. If this condition frequently, you must learn how to prevent it, as opposed to constantly deal with it when it happens. The right changes in your diet and clothing can
There are many kinds of infections but the most common ones are chlamydia, herpes, gonorrhea, and syphilis. According to, “One of the main reasons there are so many new STD infections each year (20 million in the United States alone) is because most people have no idea they have an STD….” One of the many downsides
Superficial yeast infections affect different parts of the human body including the skin, mouth, digestive tract, nails, etc and can become persistent (Thevissen, 2005).Systemic yeast infections also called invasive yeast infections affect the brain, spinal cord, eye, gall bladder, heart, lungs, kidneys and urinary bladder. These infections have considerably increased over the past recent three decades due to transplantation procedures, cancer chemotherapy, steroid therapy and, in particular, HIV infection thus leading to a rise in the number of immunocompromised
Sexually transmitted diseases are known as STDs or STIs, which stands for sexually transmitted infections. STDs and STIs are infectious diseases that spread from person to person through intimate contact. STDs affect guys and girls of all ages and backgrounds who are having sex, including oral and anal sex, and having skin to skin contact with an infected area or sore. Common STDs include Genital Herpes, Genital Warts, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis A, B, and C.