
Vasari's Influence On Religion

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Art has developed slowly and expanded as tools were created from different places. The way Vasari describes the use of art is how it is to nourish and decorate the earth which he believes originated from the heaven above. The first human was made from a mass of earth which was carved and shaped into perfection from the imperfections of this material. The origin of art comes from nature, being the first subject of art. This method of creating something from nature is endowed on to humans. It becomes the lever that helps bring art to life. Art is uniquely developed wherever it is found. Rome had its own style of art which was soon overthrown by barbarians.Paintings and sculptures were the first to be to be taken down. The second to go was …show more content…

This is a destruction of the old and development of a new genre in a more forceful manner. The introduction of religion inspired a new genre of art which artist could get ideas from. However, in the process a piece of history was lost with barely any references of the Pagan religion. Its disappointing that to bring in something new, the old had to be destroyed. I find it quite upsetting that one religion destroyed the existence of another religion, rather than existing together. The new found religion brought a sudden change in how art was created but also created a forceful transition in the style. The artifacts of paintings, sculptures, and architectures are proof of the past or the existence of something that was there. Anything that was there before only remained in the memory of those who knew of its existence. I think it was interesting how Varasi used nature as a teacher. Its true in a sense for me, because I used my surrounding nature as a subject to draw. I would draw trees, houses, flowers, and just about everything a little kid sees. It helped me develop and grow my drawing abilities, creating a solid foundation for me to balance myself on as I

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