
Vasoconstriction Of Blood Pressure Essay

Satisfactory Essays

These factors mentioned above are part of many limitations that could and could not have been avoided once conducting the experiment for instance:
- The baroreceptors of the skin which involves moment-to-moment changes of arterial pressure resulting in the machine not being able to cope with the many fluctuations of blood pressure and is why the average percentage change is needed to see trends. (Ty Lee, 2017)

The way to get rid of these possible outliers a result of the vasodilation and vasoconstriction of vessels is to create double-blind method experiment.
- Other limitations include the equipment, smal sample sizes and time with patients was a result of it being an undergraduate university conducted and supervised study.
- Because it was within a practical class all of the students being university students and not volunteers are more like to have been doing activities such as studying while some might have been doing activities such as sport or running before the practical and this is another limitation to furtherly jeopardise the integrity …show more content…

Therefore a recommended isolated room would be preferred to help reduce this environmental influence. An agreement could also be made between all the group members if the resources are restricted to relegate the noise level in order to increase the validity of the results collected.

- The equipment provided by the university such as blood pressure monitor is subject to error both human and mechanical. This is because an error did show up many times once taking the blood pressure subsequently the timing of collecting blood pressure was out and not as predicted.
This limitation can be resolved by replacing the blood pressure machines with newer ones or calibrating it constantly to check if the measuring is impaired in any

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