
Vast Wasteland Speech By Newton Minow

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Television is a technology that has been very prominent in our society since the time it was invented. With it being so present in our lives, it vastly impacts society. Newton Minow touched upon this topic in his “Vast Wasteland” speech in 1961. He states that television gives us a power like no other and that it could cause a variety of good or bad things to occur, making it the job of the people and government to ensure that television is sending a positive message. Minow’s statements about the power of television being either beneficial or detrimental to society and our role in assuring that it is beneficial, are all valid points despite the rise in popularity of the internet. When the television was invented it opened a broad range of opportunities to get information across, allowing for news to be spread quickly and widely. For instance, in an age before television, somebody living in a more isolated area would be the last to hear important news, if at all. With this invention, these people now have access to information about what is happening in the world around them. It is also a way to allow people to get educated …show more content…

Although often ignored, film-makers have a responsibility make sure that their content sends the right messages to their impressionable fans. Parents have a responsibility to keep their children away from shows that could harm their development or make them think a certain way. Even the government has a responsibility to prevent corrupt news by avoiding the use of propaganda and censorship. The capability of television could go a long way and do impressive things for the world if everybody maintained their responsibilities and worked hard to avoid the corruption of

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