“A vegan is defined as; a person who refrains from using any animal product whatsoever for food, clothing, or any other purpose.”
When someone asks you to think of where your food comes from, you will most likely imagine cows grazing in an open field, pigs rolling around in mud happily, or even chickens laying eggs in a warm coop, free to go wherever they would like?
If that's what you believe, then you are completely wrong.
Places like this barley even exist any more. Cows are not happy, grazing in a field, pigs are not rolling around in mud and chickens are not free to go where they want. Instead, cows are forced into pregnancy to produce an abnormal amount of milk. The milk they're producing is not even in fact for them nor their new
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I watch documentaries upon documentaries, I read countless amounts of books, articles and blogs. I like to know that my body is healing from the damage I put it through. That the whole, natural foods I'm consuming are not continuing to deteriorate my health. I am an anorexia survivor and I truly believe a main factor to my recovery and survival is following and educating myself on a vegan diet.
We all want to help preserve this beautiful life giving planet we call home. We may not know what we can do to reduce our destructive impact on the environment. But the answer is simple and it is staring us in the face three times a day.
Going vegan is one of the most powerful things a human can do to respect and protect the world they live in. A long time ago Albert Einstein said: “Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.” Fast forward 70 years and the damage wreaked by the meat and dairy industries has reached massive proportions.
My mind is always completely blown by facts that are scientifically proving how vegans are saving the planet and meat, dairy and animal products are ruining it. Why are we destroying the planet we live on when we can just do the most simple, logical thing - GO
Donald Watson, on 1944 had a meeting with non-dairy vegetarian, Elsie Shrigley, to talk about the lifestyle and diet of non-dairy vegetarian diets. These pioneers were the first people to discover a new movement – although resistant. They felt that they needed a new name, something more brief than “non-dairy vegetarians”. “vitan”, “dairyban”, and “benevore” were some of the rejected words. They settled on “vegan”, because it had the first 3 and the last 2 letters of “vegetarian”. In Donald Watson’s words, it marked “the beginning and end of vegetarian”.
Veganism has become a trend in the dietary realm, but its ideals extend farther than being a food fad. It is a lifestyle which promotes the progression of a better future for animals, the environment, and society. Veganism is an ideal which has a more beneficial impact on the world than an omnivore diet because it is better for the environment, it helps to promote a healthier lifestyle and being, and it is less harmful to animals in many aspects. The overall impact of veganism is great and has a substantial change on the world.Veganism discourse is becoming more common. The defending side, which is for veganism, uses arguments which mainly concentrate on how the consumption of meat will negatively affect our future and also addressing the
The TED Talk video “Environmental Benefits of Veganism” by Christian Hextrum is a speech on the topic of the ways veganism affects the environment. Hextrum discusses how animal agriculture is the leading cause to the damage of the environment, and how no one is aware of the problem. He discusses the climate issues, oil, the waste of water, and deforestation of the Amazon rainforest. Hextrum talks about the difference of all the problems and how following a vegan diet would benefit the environment, and the difference that it would make. Hextrum also mentions how the vegan diet would quickly change the environment rather than the alternative sources of trying to save the environment.
Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. This includes not consuming meat, dairy, honey, eggs, gelatin, etc., as well as not using leather, feathers, wool, or products that have been tested on animals.
In addition, the opposition argues that the environmental benefits of veganism are not enough for them to give up consuming animal products, and that, since they believe animals are not sentient or able to experience pain, there is no reason for them to change their ways; however, many studies have been conducted that prove animals are both intelligent, and cognizant of pain. Though some make speciesist arguments that animals are too far
The first thing that usually comes to one’s mind when they hear the word Veganism is healthy. However, many points would debate against and for this very statement. There are many researches that prove the vegan diet is a healthy one and that this diet is better than a normal animal product eating one, however none proving that it is better than all the other diets, like some people claim the plant-eating one to be. Being a vegan means that you miss essential nutrients on a day to day basis such as vitamins, iron, zinc and calcium just to name a few. As well as this, when you get rid of all these animal products you are at a much higher risk of developing a nutritional deficiency and becoming under-weight. Looking
For hundreds of thousands of years humans were hunter gatherers, living off the sources of the land for necessity. Only ten-thousand years ago did the human species discover agriculture and the domestication of other species. The welfare of domesticated animals, used for their exploitation of products, has drastically diminished since the industrial revolution. Animals are now able to be mass slaughtered and crammed by the hundreds into cold, metal buildings, quite opposite to their natural habitat of grass covered feels. Not only are the animals being exploited in horrendous conditions, they are fed better than the eight-hundred and fifty million people in the world how are suffering from severe undernourishment (worldhunger.org). The animal agriculture business accounts for a staggering fifty-one percent of the greenhouse-gas emissions every year (peta.org). With the all the astounding information on the topic of inhumanity in the animal exploitation world, has left people with the question, “Is cutting out animal bi-products worth it?” There is a small, yet growing, number of people who have agreed to cut out any and all animal bi-products, be that in food, cosmetology, or fashion. Individuals who have taken the pledge of veganism can be comforted in their health, ethics, and humanity.
Claim #2: Judgement- Dairy products and meats continue to play a large role in the American diet.
From an environmental perspective a switch to a vegan diet makes a lot of sense. Federal grazing deals given to ranchers result in the destruction of wildlife on huge areas of land. Also nearly all cattle spend their final months at feedlots, where they are fed an inefficient and resource-intensive corn-based diet. Cows have digestive systems that rely upon fermentation, and the corn-based diet makes cattle emit huge amounts of methane which is a gas tied to global warming. The methane produced by pigs and poultry account for a lesser but still a huge amount of greenhouse gasses. “The UN estimates that animal agriculture is responsible for 18 percent of the total global warming effect stemming from greenhouse gasses. Beef and dairy cattle probably account for about 70 percent of animal agriculture’s contribution to global warming.”(http://www.vegan.com/articles/faq/)
I want to go vegan because I find it disgusting knowing the what is on my plate was an animal. All animal by-products contain cholesterol which is not good for you. When eating plant-based, you can actually lower the risk of heart diseases, cancer, diabetes etc. Lastly, our environment is dying. We use so much land to feed and house animals for us to eat. Cows and sheep cause around 37% of the methane released into the air. The approximate amount of water used for 1 kilo. of beef is around 13,000 liters - 100,000 liters. Whereas the amount of water used to produce 1 kilo. Of wheat is
Some would not be able to live without eating any animal products in their diets, such as, meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, and honey. For vegans, however, this is a normal way of life. Vegans are frequently misunderstood as either people who have eating disorders, or an unnatural passion for animal rights. It is time for people to realize that veganism, a challenging yet rewarding lifestyle, goes way beyond being skinny or caring for animals. In reality, veganism can be extremely advantageous to anyone who adapts it as a way of life and has many different benefits that come along with it.
Vegetarian can be defined as a flesh avoiding person who cannot eat meat, including fish and poultry. Vegetarians usually avoid flesh but it is true they can eat animal products which can obtain from animals such as cheese, milk, and eggs, so they are ovo-lacto-vegetarians (ovo = egg; lacto = milk, cheese, etc. But it is also true that ratio of those people who do not want to come near animal products for eating. In this way they are rapidly growing so that’s way this type of people are considered to as pure vegetarians or vegans.
In the past, few studies have been done to examine long-term vegans and their nutrition. As such, this study gives new information on the subject. Some problems with this study exist, however, such as a small sample size and
At the same time turning vegetarian would leave us without a cheap source for byproducts of livestock such as animal fats, which have widespread usage. Thus, this video is worth watching in order to further aware ourselves about the advantages of vegetarianism.
For centuries, humans have been obsessed with the idea of a long life. From face creams and diets to climate change awareness and recycling, there has always been a push to keep ourselves younger, healthier and to keep humanity going. That’s why veganism is the way to go. Being vegan does not only benefit your health but the environment as well. The Earth is so important. From its beautiful scenery to all the astonishing life that calls this planet home, most would agee that Earth is absolutely phenomenal. While I understand that veganism isn't an option for everyone, those who have the ability to adopt a vegan diet and/or lifestyle should because it's not only better for the human body but the planet as well.