They say, “You are what you eat” and if making good food choices makes you a healthier and happier person, why are healthy food trends seemingly misunderstood and becoming a thing of the past? This semester I will be researching the advantages of choosing to obtain a vegetarian lifestyle and why some individuals are making arguments that are extremely against the practice. This topic is appropriate for a semester of sustained research because there are multiple viewpoints on the issue (including people who have experienced positive health benefits when they cut meat out of their diets, people who disapprove of the industry’s animal treatment, and people who strongly feel that there are extreme health risks and financial burdens that come …show more content…
(Wiki) The film for me shined light on the dark aspects of American food industries, influenced me to do further research on the topic, and evidently considerably influenced my perspective of food. While the vision of animal cruelty painted in the film ultimately made me decide to become a practicing vegetarian, I would mainly blame my continued lifestyle choice on the benefits that I experienced when I initially made the transition as well as the harsh realities of the unsanitary procedures reveled in the film. Overall I would say, vegetarianism has made me a healthier person by making me constantly aware of what I put into my body (a main reason that I believe the issue is worth research), it has cured an esophageal health problem that I have been having since birth, and best of all in an essence the lifestyle choice lifted a huge weight off my shoulders by giving more energy, better physical health, and overall has made me a more confident person. Because of this positive experience, I am an extreme advocate for the way of life, and this topic is particularly compelling to me because I have a difficult time understanding the prejudices that make vegetarianism a national controversy. In my research, I hope to gain greater insight on the health deficiencies that align with vegetarianism and eventually crack the myth of strict dieting being difficult to adhere to (especially for people with lower economic statuses or people on the run). Educating myself
Joel Fuhrman, the author of ‘Eat to live and the End of Diabetes’, who checks the participant’s physical well-being and blood tests. At the beginning of the film, all participants depict high chances of developing lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and obesity due to increased cholesterol and blood pressure. Wolfson engages other professionals who understand the vegan diet to assist the participants in bettering their health.
Vegetarianism is a custom practiced in six out of the seven continents and has become more popular over the years. Vegetarianism can be defined as the exclusion of animal products such as meat and fish from one’s diet. Dairy products and eggs are often times excluded as well. Although there are many reasons one may decide to become a Vegetarian or follow such a code of ethics, the most common include: moral, religious or health reasons.
If we were to have to conform to the USDA’s dietary guidelines of a healthy vegetarian eating pattern, a lot of issues would arise. Beyond the social repercussions for trying to impose a diet that the majority does not follow, there is are economic situations that will arise that are far more imperative than any social complaints that may come up in the short term. In our current economy, where we are barely able to keep with other developing nations, we cannot risk damaging any industry that are essential to our gross domestic product (GDP). Along with the effects of decreases to the meat industry, the availability of foods that meet the vegetarian guidelines are skewed to favoring higher income areas. So, if you would take a step back and look beyond the social lens, you will see something potentially far more dangerous.
Thesis statement: There should be meat free alternatives and more awareness of the benefits of choosing a vegetarian lifestyle as eating less meat is better for an individual’s health and the environmental.
The meat vs. veggie debate is a very heated debate in the world today.To me, it is an intresting topic because of the multitude of opinions and viewpoints on the matter, and aslo the fact that nobody can come to clear consensus on whats right. the claim I will try to prove with my paper is that people can eat anything they like as long as the methods of preparing that food is safe and humane. The audience i am preparing to talk to are vegetarians , vegans and people who are considering choosing these lifestyles . With that said, my wording in my paper must reason with people with differing opinions not belittle them as many others do. By using recent scientific discoveries I plan to poke holes in the popular counter-argument claims that the
Like the majority of teenagers today, I was just browsing YouTube when I stumbled upon a video that has since changed my life. “Earthlings.” The documentary revealed how millions of animals are mercilessly slaughtered in factory farms. Just watching such brutality- void of any type of humanity- was immobilizing. Somehow I made it to the end and came across copious recommended videos, including “Forks Over Knives” and “Cowspiracy.” While they weren’t as graphic as the first, they were definitely informative. After watching these documentaries, I decided to go vegan. This decision wasn’t made lightly, and it wasn’t just for myself. Veganism has long been disputed over, but animal rights activists, environmentalists,
About 75 million are vegetarian of choice and an approximate that there is more than a half a billion of them. The figure that will slowly multiply with growing wealth and culture (Leahy et al 2). A vegetarian nourishment may play an advantageous role in health and avoiding obesity. Vegetarianism encompasses a spectrum of eating patterns: from people who wish to be known as ‘vegetarians ' regardless including some animal meat in their meals, but meats products should be omitted such as fish and fowl from a vegetarian dish (Lea and Worsley 505). Even though some people may be in contradiction of vegetarianism, it is a lifestyle and a diet that many follow and it is advantageous because it corresponds to religions, ethics, and has health
The film mainly focuses on the health benefits of eating a strict vegetarian diet as the diet gives the body what it need, additionally it talks about many of the handicaps eating a meat based diet causes to the body, such as build up of plaque in the arteries and obesity. The documentary also focuses, although briefly, on the moral benefit of not eating meat. In this part the narrator discussed the use of industrialized farming techniques and how the diets fed to animals can affect our, the consumer’s, health. Similar to this the narrator talks about how the elimination of a meat based diet from the American economy could benefit global warming as many resources get poured into the process.
About a year ago, I asked myself a question why am I not a vegetarian? After all, I am one of the green kids. I grew up with my vegetarian dad in a small town. I even joined a club called “Tree Huggers”. I knew that eating a mere hamburger a day could increase my risk of dying by a third. I knew that the 10 billion animals we raise each year for meat are raised in factory farmed conditions that we hypocritically wouldn’t even consider for our own cats, dogs and other pets. I knew that I was not alone, we as a society are eating twice as much meat as we did in the 50s. So, what was once the special little side treat now is the main course much more regular. What if I told you, that we can change our world through our food choices. The fact
As different crazes and fads are appearing each day, we have come to expect them to simply fade away as the hype passes. However, veganism has stood the test of time in our fad society and is still increasing in popularity. Originally only thought to be a religious lifestyle, many people from different walks of life are becoming vegans. However, this poses many questions and sparks heated debates, mainly from omnivorous people who believe that veganism is against life’s natural order. Vegans, then, argue against an omnivorous lifestyle by bringing up facts about humans’ biological makeup and how humans are, contrary to popular belief, herbivorous by nature, not omnivorous. While both sides present good arguments to some, the veganism lifestyle contains more benefits and less harmful cons than an omnivorous lifestyle.
Purpose: The purpose of the argumentative essay is to inform Americans about the benefits of both diets and the treatment of animals for human consumption while arguing that a vegan/vegetarian diet is healthier for American’s
The food on Biola University is all provided by Bon Appetite. In the beginning, I did not know that Bon Appetite’s food was Certified Humane so I decided to show support of humane treatment of animals by going on a vegetarian diet. Since I could not go off campus to buy Certified Humane groceries nor could I really afford buying healthy groceries, I decided to go vegetarian. I did the vegetarian diet for two weeks and obtained protein through nuts, beans, and peanut butter. When I was participating in the diet, I realized how common meat was a part of the dishes served for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It was often a central part of a dish, and meat was always served for every meal. While protein is an essential part of a healthy diet, the amount offered is more than needed. After this exercise, I am willing to consider giving up chicken or pork. I also definitely suggest going on a vegetarian diet for at least a week or two to experience what it is like. I gained a broader perspective when I did this diet and learned how vegetarians got their protein, why vegetarians did their diet, and obtained a common ground to discuss about with vegetarians or vegans. I find that a vegetarian diet is a lot easier than a vegan diet. Perhaps one should participate in a vegetarian diet for a week and then a vegan diet for another week. In addition, to fully understand the purpose of such diet and effects of such diet, one should perhaps journal their experience, note down what they would
As we can now observe, vegetarianism has become something fashionable, and the number of people who reject eating meat is constantly increasing. In Britain, for instance, over 5 million people have done it so far. It is obviously connected with the recent animal diseases, but this tendency is likely to spread on the other regions of the world. However, it is not only a fashion or fear of illnesses. I myself became a vegetarian about 2 years ago, and I can see a number of reasons why people should stop eating meat. They are mainly of ethic, economic and health type. Those who think in an ecological way should also be aware of how this meat consumption ruins our environment. I don’t have an intention
Having a healthy dietary method can reduce the chances of receiving many health diseases. These health diseases include obesity, heart disease, and cancer. By consuming certain foods and nutrients in one’s diet the risk factors for these health diseases can be reduced. A healthy dietary method that is beneficial to reducing and/or improving these health diseases is the vegetarian diet. The vegetarian diet follows a dietary pattern that is characterized by the consumption of plant-like foods and the avoidance of flesh foods (meat, poultry, and fish). The foods in this diet provide the body with many essential nutrients. This is why many health benefits have been associated with the vegetarian
In 2008, 7.3 million people living in the United States reported eating a vegan or vegetarian diet (Harrison Interactive Study-2008). Now, less than ten years later, 16 million people have converted to veganism or vegetarianism. That is about 5% of the population in the United States. About forty-two percent of people following a vegan or vegetarian diet say that they decided to make the switch to a plant-based diet after seeing an educational film on animal cruelty. Sixty-nine percent of people abstaining from the consumption of animal products said they chose to be vegan for ethical reasons. A little more than half of the people who are vegan have only been following a vegan diet for ten years or less. It is possible that this sudden