The phenomenon of corruption in Venezuela is one of the evils that Venezuelan society has seen grow and involves the public and private. Currently, Venezuela is among the top ten most corrupt countries in the world. The purpose of this research paper is to discuss the struggles and issues that Venezuela is facing. My research topic is about governmental corruption in Venezuela and the impact it has on hunger. It’s important to discuss this matter because no one else is, it is important for people to be educated about the perversions of the Venezuelan government. The current situation in Venezuela is as bad as it gets for a country that is not at war. One issue that the country is facing is hunger. Food shortages in Venezuela hit families and
Venezuela is a country located in the northern area of South America that’s national language is Spanish. It is a very complex and interesting country with many important events in the past as well as some current events that have made headlines. Venezuela has been struggling with development for a long time and it has a landscape that can sometimes make it quite hard to build roads and tracks, thus hindering the forward progress of the nation. Venezuela is a democratic country with a democratically elected president, but that doesn’t mean that everything is going along fine. Even though the people of Venezuela elected Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro in the election of 2012, there have been a lot of recent protests against
The country of venezuela is hot, humid,and located in nothern south america.The capitol of venezuela is caracus. The name venezuela came from the explorer , alonso de ojedo ,because he admired how much it reminded him of venice. Earleist records of venezuela date back to march 30th 1845 when christopther made his third voyage in search of gold.Settlers would go to venezuela to trade for their resources because venezuela was known as the riches country.Venezuela would trade natural resiurces like : petroleum natural gas,iron ore gold minerals and diamonds.They first gained independence in 1811 on july 5th ; by the help of jose prudencio.
In recent years, an increasing number of professors, commentators, journalists, and teens on social media have claimed that capitalism has failed. What usually follows are suggestions to usher in a new wave of socialism, as if the chaos in Venezuela is somehow non-existent or something truly desirable.
When Christopher Columbus discovered the coast of Venezuela, he thought he had encountered an earthly paradise, today that grace land is ravaged by famine, inflation, scarcity, violence, social and political conflicts; “social implosion [being] driven by economic collapse, caused by shockingly self-destructive policy making” (Toro, 1). Venezuela’s antidemocratic government and its lack of foresight has created a severe economic crisis crumbling health care system and a lack of basic necessities and is jailing innocent people who object.
According to Gallup, Inc., an American research company, Venezuela was ranked as the most insecure nation in the word in the year of 2013. (Crime) This high insecurity not only affects the lives of citizens, but also foreigners in the country. The most affected group of people is the middle class, who are more concerned about such high crime rates rather than the current shortage of basic goods. In fact, Venezuelans were forced to change their ways of life due to the country’s hazardousness. The following graph illustrates the rise in the homicide rates from the years 2000-2011. This indicates that there have not been advances in the control of crime and violence in the country.
Over the years, Venezuela has had a strong presence in the oil industry because they retain the largest reserve in the world. The partnerships and constant oil exportations kept Venezuela’s economy and the nation as a whole stable for many years. Venezuela was able to quickly expand in this sector because of globalization, which facilitated the communication and international interactions between nations. Currently, Venezuela is facing an economic, political and humanitarian crisis. While these are all separate issues, they are still intertwined. Is it possible that globalization has played a role in Venezuela’s humanitarian alarming state? While there are many factors involved in the current situation of the nation, this paper will focus on
John Locke was an English philosopher in the 17th century. Locke explained what the most important purposes of a government were. He claimed that the government’s primary purpose was to protect people’s natural rights; life, liberty, and property. However, the country of Venezuela’s government does not protect any of these rights, and the people should revolt and force a change in the government. Venezuela is a medium sized county in South America with a population of about 31,400,000 people. Venezuela’s main language is Spanish and has a Federal Presidential Republic under president Nicolas Maduro.Venezuela gained its independence from Spain in 1811.
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is the northernmost country in South America. Even though its location makes it a tropical region, this country posses a variety of climates going from warm at the Caribbean islands to alpine and humid at the mountains of Los Andes. This paper discovers the different tourist areas of Venezuela. The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the variety of climates, lands and regions that make this country the perfect tourist destination. First, we will cover some of the history and economy of Venezuela, as well as its location in the map and the oceans and countries that border it. Then, the climate and topography of the country are going to be explained in detail. Finally, we are going to explore the
Venezuela is located on the north coast of South America. It is a very interesting country, since it possesses many unique attributes and resources that other countries in the region do not. There are several different systems that represent these resources and attributes. Major Kris A. Arnold (2006) states “PMESII is (sic) military acronym listed in several joint and service publications, which evolved from a systems perspective, and equates to the political, military, economic, social, infrastructure, and information systems of states. The acronym provides a starting point for identifying key interrelated systems of an adversary and facilitates analysis and kinetic and non-kinetic targeting”. Venezuela is an especially interesting case due to the political system in place, in addition to the unique economic power that the nation has.
In Venezuela, in ancient times it was a paradise for natives who lived on its
Venezuelans have been living with a shortage of food and essential items for nearly three years. Venezuela is rich in oil, but due to the drop in oil prices; It's management of available resources appear to have grown out of control. The storage of necessary items such as food, electricity and water has enraged and deepen the feeling of despair that many of the people of Venezuela experience each day.
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is a country situated on the north coast of South America. It is bounded by Colombia on the west, Brazil on the south, and Guyana on the east with a population of over 31 million people and covering 916,445 km2 (353,841 square miles). Venezuela is considered a developing country seeking to become more advance economically and socially. Although their rich soil and fertile ground, Venezuela suffers the world’s highest inflation rate where $1.00 US Dollar = 676,71 Venezuelan Bolivars. Shortages in food and medicine are daily issues that citizens face creating hostile environments and harsh living conditions for most of the population. As a result, Venezuelans need to search for food doing long lines that can
The oil-rich Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, located on the northern coast of South America, was for many decades considered among the wealthiest nations in the entire continent. While having the largest proven oil reserves in the world has often proved a tremendous boon for Venezuela, the very black gold that has been the cause of its success has also proven to repeatedly be its kryptonite. Over half of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product stems from petroleum exports – which equates to approximately 95% of total exports. It is really not too hard to imagine what drastic consequences shifts in global oil prices could have on the economy.
Venezuela currently has a population of 31 million people. Venezuela is still growing in numbers, and it’s getting harder for the government to provide health care for their people. Venezuela’s population is 1.9 times larger than South America. The country is mainly urban, and the wealth rate is declining. The resources per person needs to be the same, and as of now that’s not the case. Overall fertility rates are failing in Latin America. In 2015 the population was six times the size that it was in 1950, and the United Nations projects that it will be nine time larger by 2050, and still growing at that point, despite the long-term decline in fertility. (Latin America) Although there are many economic crisis in Venezuela, this isn’t preventing them from having children in higher numbers. This could be the shortage of health care.
Venezuela is currently facing the worst economic crisis in history. According to the International Monetary Fund, it has negative growth of -8%, the worst in the world and the worst inflation rate (482%). The current unemployment rate is 17% though this figure is expected to climb towards 30%. Venezuela is a country that is reported to have the worlds largest oil supply, a commodity that has a changing price based on supply and demand. Their ability to sell oil was a primary source of revenue for the government. Exporting oil was reported to be around 96 percent of Venezuela's total exports according to the World Bank. In 2014 the