Capital: Caracas
Continent: South America
Issue: In Venezuela, the United Socialist Party (PSUV) has been in the power 18 years first with Chavez and them with Maduro, both elected by democratic elections. Now the country is divided into two significant groups Chavistas, people who support socialism and the actual president, and opposition, people anti-government and believe the corruption of the actual president. With this, the country is immersed in extreme violence, constants violations of humans rights and alarm power corruption. Additionally, some problems that the dictatorship produces like protests, the end of commercial relations with other countries, and the decreasing economy. The abuse of power leading to incrust the violations of humans right is the significant issue that Venezuela has to face today. This has an extended history that began in 1999, with the victory of Chavez in the name of socialism, but the break in the government started when Maduro raises in power and with the end of relations with the United States, who was the principal oil buyer. As well, the counting falling oil prices had decreased the Venezuela’s economy and limited the public inversion that the government used to do. With bad relations and an affected economy poverty, violence and discomfort with the government began. The corrupt power and constant violation of human rights are affecting in significant ways the country, particularly in the investment that the government
Venezuela, located in the Latin American region, is a country that has been characterized by its abundance of oil reserve. A natural resource that has shaped the history and development of the country, affecting its economic, social and most important is political spheres. For many years Venezuela was controlled by authoritarian regimes. The country, being very important in the sense of geo-politics due to its abundance of oil, has been a key player in the international arena and most important, to those that for many years kept the country under their regime. It was not until 1958 that Venezuela experienced the change to democracy and a stable democracy was kept between the two main political parties of the time, Accion Democratica (AD)
The history of Venezuela is a long and tumultuous one, and accurately paints the picture of a country in disarray. From it’s colonization in 1498 up until 1958, the country shuffled between a long line of military dictators. At this point, the last of them was finally overthrown,
This article talks about Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro wanting to rewrite the country’s constitution, originally written in 1999. The exact changes that would be made to the document are not known, but citizens and leaders of both Venezuela and the United States, including President Trump, believe it will make the government too much like Cuba’s. Cuba has a communist government that controls everything. There will be a vote that many people plan on boycotting, and there have been many protests from all the people who do not want the President of Venezuela to go through with the changes. These strikes are dangerous and have ended up killing many people.
When Christopher Columbus discovered the coast of Venezuela, he thought he had encountered an earthly paradise, today that grace land is ravaged by famine, inflation, scarcity, violence, social and political conflicts; “social implosion [being] driven by economic collapse, caused by shockingly self-destructive policy making” (Toro, 1). Venezuela’s antidemocratic government and its lack of foresight has created a severe economic crisis crumbling health care system and a lack of basic necessities and is jailing innocent people who object.
Tim Edwards Dr. Hermanson Literature Review 4/25/16 Should college athletes be paid? The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is a nonprofit organization but in 2010 they signed a TV rights deal with CBS for fourteen years and 10.8 billion dollars (“Revenue”). The argument being made by many is that with millions of dollars being made that the NCAA should pay the athletes money to compensate them for their time and effort. The rules of the NCAA are very strict on the amateur status of their athletes.
Venezuela is located on the north coast of South America. It is a very interesting country, since it possesses many unique attributes and resources that other countries in the region do not. There are several different systems that represent these resources and attributes. Major Kris A. Arnold (2006) states “PMESII is (sic) military acronym listed in several joint and service publications, which evolved from a systems perspective, and equates to the political, military, economic, social, infrastructure, and information systems of states. The acronym provides a starting point for identifying key interrelated systems of an adversary and facilitates analysis and kinetic and non-kinetic targeting”. Venezuela is an especially interesting case due to the political system in place, in addition to the unique economic power that the nation has.
In the top left hand corner there is a symbol that represents the flag of the president. Venezuela is located in South America, bordering the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, between Colombia and Guyana. Caracas is the capital of Venezuela, about how many people living within the capital? Spanish is the official/main language of Venezuela but many people also speak other types of languages. There are many tropical places to explore but be warned it is hot and humid. Most of their many resources that are petroleum, natural gas, iron ore, gold, bauxite, hydropower, and diamonds. All over the world countries have issues which occur; however, the ones in Venezuela greatly deal with the large amounts of cocaine, heroin, and marijuana. It also has the worst in human trafficking. Venezuela is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children subjected to sex trafficking and forced labor. Many women in Venezuela have been in a horrible event. Some of these
I chose to do my book critique on the book The Fundamentals of Caregiving. This book was a major eye opening read. I have been in many different classes that have taught me about mental illnesses and physical disabilities. This book is about a retired writer, named Benjamin, after a personal tragedy who becomes the caregiver for a disabled teen. The boy in this book, Trevor, has a form of muscular dystrophy called Duchenne muscular dystrophy or DMD.
According to James Painter in his BBC News article “Latin America faces year of change”, Latin America suffers from social violence, kidnapping, drug trafficking, child pornography, lack of women’s rights, and little accountability over the region’s law makers and authorities which can lead to government corruption (para. 12). Government corruption can be defined as political power used by government leaders for private gain and to maintain their power as a government official. Most of the times these corrupt politicians in Latin America say they are accomplishing apprehension of criminals to the best of their abilities when, in reality, they commit the same multitude of crimes. Politicians are able to maintain their power as a result of
Venezuela has the world’s largest oil reserves and by 1960, it became the wealthiest country in Latin America. Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), the state owned company, was the key to economic and social development in Venezuela under president Hugo Chavez. His government was settled in an environment where the oil prices were rising and the economy was booming, so he was able fund social programs and practices that were popular to the poor masses. This wealthy and growing Venezuela made Chavez to be very popular and his regime very powerful. Oil revenue accounted for nearly 90% of exports, more than 50% of government revenue, and 35% of country’s GDP.
The main purpose of the following report is to provide information about the profile of The Bolivarian Republican of Venezuela; in order to study the current situation of the country for further investigations in the future that may help to understand the opportunities and risk involve in importing and opening new markets in Venezuela.
Venezuela currently has a population of 31 million people. Venezuela is still growing in numbers, and it’s getting harder for the government to provide health care for their people. Venezuela’s population is 1.9 times larger than South America. The country is mainly urban, and the wealth rate is declining. The resources per person needs to be the same, and as of now that’s not the case. Overall fertility rates are failing in Latin America. In 2015 the population was six times the size that it was in 1950, and the United Nations projects that it will be nine time larger by 2050, and still growing at that point, despite the long-term decline in fertility. (Latin America) Although there are many economic crisis in Venezuela, this isn’t preventing them from having children in higher numbers. This could be the shortage of health care.
With an economy dominated by the production of oil, Venezuela has enjoyed the highest standard of living in Latin America. In spite of its success in the oil industry, agriculture and manufacturing also play important roles in Venezuela’s economy. With this in mind, it would seem as though Venezuela’s economic state has flourished. Rather, it has suffered from the effects of political influence, corruption, and poor economic management. The distribution of wealth across Venezuela has caused the elite to benefit at the cost of the working people. This is mainly due to the economic and political structure of the country. Even with the plentiful resources Venezuela possesses, it is constantly being threatened by political instability,
Venezuela is currently facing the worst economic crisis in history. According to the International Monetary Fund, it has negative growth of -8%, the worst in the world and the worst inflation rate (482%). The current unemployment rate is 17% though this figure is expected to climb towards 30%. Venezuela is a country that is reported to have the worlds largest oil supply, a commodity that has a changing price based on supply and demand. Their ability to sell oil was a primary source of revenue for the government. Exporting oil was reported to be around 96 percent of Venezuela's total exports according to the World Bank. In 2014 the
Across all nations and cultures, the enduring pursuit of equality in life seems global and timeless. Some would believe that their own country has achieved a true democracy with no residual inequalities of which to speak, while others know they are at the other end of the spectrum, enduring unjust laws that should not be bestowed on any human. Through the course of history many countries have fought for that democracy and all the equality that it implies. While some believe they have reached that goal, others continue to fight for the most basic human rights, even in this time of enlightenment. The journey each country takes on its road to that place may vary by origination, length, severity and outcome, but the goal seems to be the