
Ventricular Dysfunction Essay

Decent Essays

Introduction Prevalence of elderly worldwide is rapidly accelerating from 461 million people aged over 65 years in 2004 to an estimated 2 billion people by 2050 (1). The prevalence of SCH is relatively high and ranges from 4% to 20% in the adult population; mainly, women and elderly people, affected more (2) Thyroid hormones act on the heart and vasculature and, as a result, the impact of subclinical thyroid dysfunction on the CV system has been explored. SCH can lead to impaired systolic and diastolic cardiac function (3) and hypothyroidism patients often complain of reduced exercise tolerance during effort (4), also, this study observed that a slowed rate of left ventricular relaxation might critically impair ventricular filling during exercise and result in left ventricular systolic dysfunction (4). Older people with SCH and a high CV risk appear to be at an increased risk of incident heart failure (5) and SCH was found to affect left ventricular dysfunction, but this abnormality may be reversed by T4 substitutive therapy (5). Likewise, a recent cardiac magnetic resonance spectroscopic study demonstrated that early cardiac bio-energetic impairments in SCH patients are reversible with T4 therapy ( 6). Razvi et al. re-analyzed the Whickham data. …show more content…

(2005) a studied the association of SCH and cardiovascular risk, and in their 20-year follow-up evaluated the cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in the SCH subjects without CHD at baseline. They were able to demonstrate an increased prevalence and long-term cardiovascular risk associated with SCH. In the cross-sectional analysis, CHD was significantly more prevalent only in those individuals with SCH and TSH levels >10 mIU/L. In the longitudinal analysis, patients with SCH had an increased risk for both fatal and nonfatal CHD events. The longitudinal analysis, unlike the cross-sectional analysis, also demonstrated an increased risk in those patients with TSH levels <10 mIU/L (8

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