Venus choked in smog, a crushing atmosphere of carbon dioxide. Venus, shaped by volcanoes. Venus, where day and night it’s always 480 degrees Celsius yet no Sun ever penetrates these poisonous skies. Venus is a puzzle, it rotates just once in 243 days, yet clouds race around the planet in four. And, with a diameter of more than 12.000 kilometres. Venus is almost the size of Earth, but few twins are so different. Once, Venus may have been like Earth with oceans, continents and clear blue skies.
From Earth, Venus is by far the brightest planet in the night sky and, like its elusive companion Mercury best observed immediately after sunset and just before dawn. Neither climbs far above the horizon. It’s the effect of their position between the
These planets evolved so differently, because of their space from the sun. Making Venus hotter than earth and causing changes to the
Venus is a planet that isn't talked about as much as any other planet but, have you ever wondered what it would be like to live on Venus? You can, it would just take some time.
The Scarlet Letter is a novel about a Puritan woman who has committed adultery and must pay for her sin by wearing a scarlet “A'; on her bosom. The woman, Hester Prynne, must struggle through everyday life with the guilt of her sin. The novel is also about the suffering that is endured by not admitting to one’s wrongs. Reverend Mister Dimmesdale learns that secrecy only makes the guilt increase. Nathaniel Hawthorne is trying to display how guilt is the everlasting payment for sinful actions. The theme of guilt as reparation for sin in The Scarlet Letter is revealed through Nathaniel Hawthorne’s use of northeastern, colonial settings, various conflicts, and
For my vacation, my family has chosen to go to Venus. This our first year traveling outside of earth so we chose a planet close. Venus is covered with a thick layer of sulfuric acid which will be a blast to land into but on the inside Venus is solid. Venus shines super bright and has orangish yellow tint. The overall look of Venus is dreary and the gas covers the area with a goldish hue and everything looks like gunmetal. Venus is VERY hot, it temperature reaches to about 870 degrees Fahrenheit! On top of the scorching heat the Atmospheric pressure is bone crushing and highly dense.Venus is about 0.72 light years away from the Sun and blank light years from Earth. Venus is very much like earth and not very much like earth. Venus is about the same size as earth
Immigration is a huge thing in the United States. This is especially true in Mexico. Many Mexicans have been migrating North since our nation was formed ("Template"). This is because, these individuals are looking for a better life and America can offer that. Some things the Mexican people are looking for are better wages. We will talk about what women on the border do and what I learned.
Venus. The Mayans gave great importance to the planet Venus; they recorded its transit across the sky and used this information to create the Dresden Codex which contains the data for the full circle of this planet. The Mayans counted five repetitions of the cycle of Venus, each one with a length of 584 days, which correspond to approximately 8 years. In the Mayan mythology, Venus is the companion of the sun. The observed that Venus is always close to the sun in the sky, rising before sunrise as morning star or after sunset as evening star. Venus was so important to the Mayans that they decided some of their wars based some positions of Venus and
We have finally arrived at Venus! Did you know a day on Venus is the same as 116 days and 18 hours on Earth. Venus has the longest day in our solar system. Venus is thought to rotate so slowly, because of its dense atmosphere and high speed winds. Wind on Venus can go up to 450 miles per hour. My question is , “Does Venus take longer to orbit the sun because it rotates backwards?”, but scientist are also not sure why Venus rotates backwards.
The Pentium floating-point unit flaw only occurred on some models of the original Pentium microprocessor chip. Any of the Pentium family processors with a clock speed of at least 120 MHz is new enough not to have the bug. On the affected microprocessor models, the Intel Processor Frequency ID Utility checks for the floating-point unit flaw.
This short story All summer in a day is about this girl whose family moved to Venus from Earth that the sun only comes out every 7 years. Venus is 261 million kilometers and when you translate it to mile it is 162177881.174 and to you is that far from Earth and Venus is made of up of a central iron core and a rocky mantle, similar to the composition of Earth. Its atmosphere is mainly made up of carbon dioxide (96%) and nitrogen (3%), with small amounts of other gases.
Venus, named after the Roman goddess of beauty and love, is the brightest planet in the solar system. The surface of Venus cannot be seen with an ordinary telescope, as it is covered with water vapor and clouds of sulfuric acid. Although Mercury is closer to the sun, Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system at a whopping 460 degrees Celsius on average. The radiation of the sun heats the surface, but the heat cannot escape due to the carbon dioxide and methane-filled atmosphere, which produces the greenhouse effect. Sadly, there could never be life on Venus due to this blistering heat (exterior).
The average surface temperature is 500 degrees Celsius. An important reason for this high temperature are the clouds on the planet. From a distance they look similar to the clouds on Earth, but instead of water the clouds on Venus are made up of carbon dioxide. By absorbing infra-red light this greenhouse gas keeps the planet hot. Since Venus is also tilted with 23,4 degrees (Earth only with 2,7 degrees), seasons don’t exist at Venus. Everywhere at every time of the year the planet has almost the same high temperature. It is believed that Venus once had a climate like Earth, but it is still unknown how and why the greenhouse effect took
Although, Venus is considered by many to be the twin to our planet, Earth, it’s almost impossible for that to be determined, there is much we don’t know about the planet, but what we do know, the information points to the fact that it’s not. There is no prefect day on Venus, first, because it is surrounded by dense layers of clouds that are forty miles thick. Venus does reflect about eighty percent of the Sun’s radiation, however, the carbon dioxide which is about ninety- five percent of the atmosphere traps in heat which practically bakes the
Venus' atmosphere is approximately 96.5% carbon dioxide and 3.5% nitrogen, with traces of elements and compounds such as carbon monoxide and helium. Its atmospheric pressure, therefore, is 90 times heavier than that of Earth's. Near the surface of Venus is a thick layer of carbon dioxide, and above that are layers of clouds of sulfuric acid. These clouds of sulfuric acid are highly reflective and reflect more than 90% of the sunlight that hits Venus, and this means that Venus is one of the brightest objects in the sky, behind the Sun and the Moon. These clouds, and Venus' atmosphere have also contributed to a 'runaway greenhouse effect' on Venus, causing its climate to be permanently changed. Theories suggest that Venus once had a climate similar
Venus, being named after the Roman goddess of beauty and love has many similarities to Earth. However being that the planets surface is covered by volcanic planes is very interesting. Being our "sister" planet Venus is believed to have had large reserves of water, however they no longer remain. Venus is the third brightest object in our sky, right after the Sun and our Moon. Considering 80% of its surface is is volcanic plains, as mentioned before, most of those volcanoes are inactive now. It is said however that Venus shows signs of once having intense volcanic action. Venus would be a fun place to explore if its climate was still similar to ours. Runaway greenhouses gas effects permanently impacted the climate of Venus and now the temperatures
The atmosphere of Venus is incredibly dense and comprised mostly of carbon dioxide, a little nitrogen and some trace gases (sulphur dioxide, argon, water vapour, carbon monoxide, helium and neon). These trace gases add up to less than 0.1% of the entire atmosphere. Despite nitrogen making up only 3.5% of the atmosphere, there is four times as much of it as there is on Earth, despite it making up 78% of the atmosphere here.