
Ver2 Classroom Environment Analysis

Decent Essays

Ver2’s online platform provides technical and high quality training to specialize radiologists that is sustainable. Their program does not send the radiologists abroad, as after conducting studies to understand the lack of Ethiopian radiologists, because radiologists usually fail to return, and two-year fellowship programs, where international educators come and teach in Ethiopia, are ineffective in that they do not provide a long term solution to the issue. Rather, the program brings highly qualified JHU professors to the ten SPMMC students, on an online platform. Figure 1 outlines all the services that Ver2 offers in their educational initiative. For exactly one year, Ver2 has been connecting SPMMC radiologists with JHU professors through …show more content…

According to Young (2014), an effective learning environment is “an environment [that] provides relevant content, clear learning goals and feedback, opportunities to build social skills, and strategies to help students succeed”. Arbaugh (2000) stated that “instructor(s) effort to create an interactive classroom environment” was one of the most important factors in a classroom environment. Other important aspects to consider for online higher education classes are how difficult the ‘software course’ is, the flexibility of the classroom environment online, and occasionally ‘technological sophistication’ is required for ultimate classroom efficacy (Arbaugh, 2000). In an effective classroom environment, an interesting “two parallel process” takes place: there is a transformation in the students into active reflective learners, while both the students and teachers, through engaging more with technology, become better digital citizens (Office of Academic Planning and Assessment, n.d), thus this a component that online classroom environments should try to emulate to reach their effective potential. Essentially, the accessibility of online classroom, frequency of classes, consistency of curriculum with digital resources, and pedagogy are some of the most critical aspects found in effective classroom environments (Office of Academic Planning and Assessment, n.d; Allan and Clarke, 2007; Arbaugh, 2000). Moreover, a study conducted by the University of Alberta (Garrison, D., Anderson, T. & Archer, W.; 1999) found that there are “three elements essential to an education transaction”: cognitive presence, social presence, and teach presence. Furthermore, Allan and Clarke (2007) stated that the “most conducive” learning environments include the following three: the “skill oriented outcomes” that are expected of

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