
Verbal And Situational Irony In Elsie Wiesel's Night

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There are good examples of verbal and situational irony in Elsie Wiesel's memoir Night. Verbal irony occurs when words are used to suggest the opposite of what is meant. It is grimly ironic when, after the Jews are ordered to wear yellow stars, Elise’s father says, "The yellow star? Oh well, what of it? You don't die of it..." The statement is ironic because that is precisely how Elise’s father died. The wearing of the yellow star was one step on the path to the concentration camps and almost certain death. After almost a year in the camps, Elise’s father dies from dysentery at Buchenwald. Situational irony occurs when what actually happens is the opposite of what is expected or appropriate. In section five, as Russian troops come closer …show more content…

They were being taken to Auschwitz and they were separated when they got there. Eliezer and his father were told to go to the left, which meant forced labor. His mother, Hilda and Beatrice and Tzipora were selected to go to the right which meant the gas chamber. Hilda and Beatrice managed to survive. Eliezer and his father were transferred from Birkenau to a work camp in Monowitz. Where they would see a baby being hung, but the boy slowly dies due to his weight. In Monowitz everyone lacked God's faith and they were desperate for food. They had 6 crematoria working day and night and many other factories of death. Many celebrated Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year but Eliezer did not take part. Eliezer and his father never wanted to be separated. But as the book goes on the father gets very sick and Eliezer has to take care of him. While they were waiting in line they watch a load of children go into the fire. After that Eliezer debates running into the electric fence but he doesn’t. Eliezer’s father soon gets very sick and the Nazis ordered him to the furnace and after Eliezer loses his father, he feels a sense of relief because he no longer needs to take care of him but also misses him

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