For my verbal collage, I used a variety of images to symbolize what George Elliot Clarke is trying to demonstrate. The first image I used is a red ‘X’ as this mysterious individual may seem good-hearted on the outside, but deep down there is an aggressive person who is overwhelmed by the power of love. The colour red is used to symbolize anger that this character is experiencing throughout the poem. The image of the brass used fully demonstrates that the character ‘X’ has no fear within them. Furthermore, it is depicted that X busted a door down, so I capitalized his aggressive nature by adding an image of a person kicking a door down as well. The background picture of the wintery weather describes the type of environment that the poem takes …show more content…
In this case, someone has stated a lie which affected ‘X’. Finally, the picture of the heart rate monitor is used to prove that love can essentially ‘die’ especially if someone is heartbroken. The adjectives that I used in my verbal poetry collage are frigid, relentless, heartbreaking, untrustworthy, and melancholy. Frigid was used to describe the overall setting of the poem. This poem takes in a wintery weather where blizzards are apparent and the turn of events is certainly bone-chilling. Relentless is the next adjective that I used because this word describes the aggressive nature that the character ‘X’ and the father has. X decided to bust down a door unnecessarily and the father abused his wife breaking the ever-lasting love they had. Heartbreaking is used to portray the turn of events that has occurred in the poem. The power of love has been shattered by the ruthless act of the characters in the poem leaving with the final statement, “I’ve seen love die”. Untrustworthy is used to capitalize the central idea of the poem. “And words do lie” is a powerful statement as sometimes you can never trust anyone even if they are closely related to you. The last adjective melancholy demonstrates the overall theme of the poem. The poem was a depressing tale of someone who has been lied to and heartbroken, creating a sorrowful
The winter is surely when the novella’s tone goes downhill. As the nights grow longer, and the days grow colder, the mood of this book darkens . “ The sky is an empty hopeless gray and gives the impression that this is its eternal shade. Winter’s occupation seems to have conquered, overrun and destroyed everything…” This quote shows the change in mood that winter has brought.
The film Higher Learning is a call to action. It is a film that shows people as products of their environment. The film is set on a college campus, a place where most people learn about what they will do in their adult life to try to better the world or simply educate themselves in order to live a better life. However, life on the Columbus campus is not good; it is a battlefield between the races and sexes. I feel it is a bit exaggerated, but it allows people to see some of the issues that go on, on a college campus. The film focuses on three freshman (Malik, Kristen, & Remy) entering college. They enter a less than ideal new world that is filled with tension, anxiety and fear. Although the writer uses stereotypical characters, it
Enjambment in the poem sets the mood. The mood is that as of a snowfall, quiet cold, settled and slow. The poem does not need to rush its thoughts into a sentence or a stanza. By separating the thoughts into different lines and stanzas forces the reader to read slowly as that of a snowfall. The reader reads the poem peacefully, which depicts the images of a peaceful snow, covered forest.
Frigaliment Importing Co. V. B.N.S International Sales Textbook P. 117 Facts Frigaliment Importing and B.N.S Corporation came into agreement that B.N.S will provide chickens for sale to Frigaliment. The contract contained two separate shipments in which each shipment contained different weighted chicken. Frigaliment received the first shipment and noticed that the heavier chickens were older chicken that were meant for stewing not frying. Frigaliment immediately sto24pped the second shipment and sued that they did not provide the right type of chicken in which they were asking for young chickens. B.N.S (the defendant) states that chicken can mean anything as long as they are in the same
Analyse (tell me how the poet creates this image - choice of words, literary devices, implication etc)The idea of a freezing, harsh climate is emphasized with "winter's city" and "winter's leaves". The poet uses words like "death" and "terrible" to highlight the freezing, barren winter.
Robert Frost takes our imagination to a journey through wintertime with 
his two poems "Desert Places" and "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening". These two poems reflect the beautiful scenery that is present in the snow covered woods and awakens us to new feelings. Even though these poems both have winter settings they contain very different tones. One has a feeling of depressing loneliness and the other a feeling of welcome solitude. They show how the same setting can have totally different impacts on a person depending on 
their mindset at the time. These poems are both made up of simple stanzas and diction but they are not straightforward poems.
The unrhymed poem starts with a simple line that lets the reader know the tone and mood of the poem’s setting. The title of the poem also lets the reader know that it is frigid because it is winter and that it is on a Sunday. The events in the poem are also indicated to have taken place in the
Frost further points out that the stretch of woods being viewed is very rural. This is made possible by the reference to the location between the woods and frozen lake. In closing the final sentence of the second stanza Frost reiterates the fact that this occurs on “the darkest evening of the year” stating the darkness of the mood.
Distinctively visual representations allow the audience to envisage different purposes crafting emotions which stay with us forever. Graphic depiction is a fundamental characteristic within distinctively visual, thus the audience is able to be exposed to the intense illustrations exemplified by composers. Spudvilla’s portrayal of “Woolvs in the sitee” demonstrates the child’s inability to reconcile with himself. Contrasting to this notion; the playwright “Shoe-horn Sonata” to expose the brutal reality of POW camps during WWII. Therefore, distinctively visual forces the audience to succumb to the barriers society creates.
INTRODUCTION – (1 paragraph) STRUCTURE 1. Opening sentences which introduce the poem, its author and its form.Explain why the poem is of a particular form (either a ballad or lyric poem). 2. Thesis statement: A general statement about what the poem communicates about life and life experience. 3. Signpost: briefly outline the more specific reasons for how/why the poem conveys this life experience and / or message. (Introduce the main features which will be explored in more detail in the body of your essay).
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After further questioning you learn she is strictly following the fl uid and salt restriction ordered during
He also states about the ‘wintry bed’, which is meant to show his mood in the poem.
The poem consists of many different uses of figurative language in order to connect snow to death. Cofer included the use of similes to allow the readers to make a connection to what she was saying, so that they could grasp a better understanding. An example of a simile can be found in lines 6-7: “the Caribbean sun winds up the world like an old alarm clock” (Cofer). The author is comparing two unlike things, the sun and an alarm clock, however they have a similar connection. The Caribbean sun is what wakes the world, just like an alarm clock does. The use of this simile adds to the poem’s meaning because it describes the life that the grandmother lives and that is warmth in her home in the Caribbean.
This is a cold poem in more ways than one.The subject matter is seasonally icy and so is the tone of the speaker. The insouciant delivery suggests