The Story of An Hour
By: Kate Chopin (1894)
I want to analyze the short story of Kate Chopin. Kate Chopin born on February 8th, 1850 in St. Louis, Missouri, United States. And she died on August 22th, 1904 in St. Louis, Missouri, United States. She was a U.S. author of short stories and novels based in Louisiana. She wrote many short stories such as The Story of an Hour, The Storm, Desiree’s Baby, and A Pair of Silk Stockings. I choose The Story of An Hour because it is very interesting story. The Story of An Hour published on December 6th, 1894.
In The Story of An Hour, the main characters are Mrs. Mallard (Louise) and Mr. Mallard. The other name characters are Richards and Josephine. The story began with her sister Josephine who told Louise the news about her husband died in a railroad accident. Louise was very sad, and sometimes she wept at once. She went away to her room alone. No one followed her. She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver
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According to the dictionary: “verbal irony occurs when the speaker expresses one thing but means another.” Based on this story, the verbal irony is a conversation between Josephine and Louise. Josephine said “Louise, open the door! I beg; open the door—you will make yourself ill. What are you doing, Louise? For heaven’s sake open the door.” Louise answers that “Go away. I am not making myself ill.” The fact is she was drinking a very elixir of life through that open window. And I can see the verbal irony in the end story too that “When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease—of the joy that kills.” That statement proves that she died of another thing. It is the wrong statement that joy kills her. The one thing kills her is after seeing her husband alive. She did not believe that her husband saved from the accident. Her dream as independent women destroys after her husband
"The Story of an Hour" is the story of women live and her marriage. " Louise Mallard suffered from a heart condition, her sister Josephine gently and carefully gives her the news of her husband died. " The main character tells information that her husband is dead, and after a hard time she is overjoyed with a sense of freedom, and when she thought to open the door and leave her husband forever opens the door, and she has depression, she dies of a heart attack. " Mr.Richards, a close friend of her husband," Brently Mallard, and the first to learn of the disastrous railroad mishap that asserted Mallard life had gone with Josephine to help diminish what they know will be a savage blow. The story tells about life, and how women behaved around mid-1800's.
In the stories “Story of an Hour”, “Everyday Use”, “The Necklace”, and “The Lottery” it is evident that irony was quite a large part of the short story. There is situational irony, which is when the situation turns out differently than expected. Also, dramatic irony is present, which is when you as a reader knows more than the character. The authors seem to base their whole story around irony to surprise their readers.
In this story, the two irony’s that we’re used are the situational (or cosmic) irony and the dramatic irony, because when Mrs. Mallard had gotten the news that her husband was killed in the railroad disaster of course she cried, but when she went into her room to probably take in all that was going on, that’s when her true feelings came out. She felt a sense of relief and a sense of freedom in the fact that soon she will be able to just please herself and not have to deal with someone else’s demands. But come to find out the roles reversed when she went downstairs with her sister and that front door opened, her husband walked right in with no harm done to him. Out of shock, she collapsed and died. These ironies are related because nothing
Charlotte Gilman and Kate Chopin were contemporary authors who were a product of their times. They wrote during the abolitionist movement, during the times when the gender roles were clearly defined and where women were given their specific roles and given a space within which they were expected to live and perform their duties. Although they had their freedom, the women of that time, especially white women in the upper middle class society were not completely free. Their position in the society and standing in their social circles was entirely dependent on their husband and in a way they were trapped in their marriage, slaves to the customs of the time. Gilman in her work, ‘The Yellow Wallpaper” and Chopin in “the Story of an Hour” talk about this situation, the protagonists in their stories trapped in
Scherlsa Louis Professor Blewitt ENC 1102 1 December 2015 Character Analysis Paper Story of an hour and Yellow wallpaper Two very different stories with little similarities, I plan on putting these two stories together and point out the differences. Starting off by give brief summary of both stories. The main character in the short story “Story of an hour,” written by Kate Chopin, is a women named Mrs. Mallad.
The Story of an Hour, is about Louise Mallard, a woman who has heart trouble. She is informed by her sister that Brently Mallard, her husband has died in a railroad disaster. The story first informs us that Mrs. Mallard, “wept at once
The Story of an Hour represents a single hour in Mrs. Louise Mallard’s life, in which a woman who has a weak heart due to emotional distress, experiences the momentary joy of freedom after hearing that her husband Brently Mallard had been killed in a railroad accident. Mrs. Mallard’s initial reaction, upon hearing of her husband’s death, is not far from what readers expected; she is deeply grief stricken, crying uncontrollably and wants to be left alone. However, during the hour she spent alone in her room, her state of mind changes dramatically. Sitting in the armchair motionless, she sees the blossoming
In “The Story of an Hour” the main character Louise Mallard suffers from a bad heart, but otherwise, she is young and cute. Louise learned from family members that her husband had just been killed in a railroad disaster. As she grieves alone in her upstairs bedroom, she suddenly is hit with new emotions. She realizes that she did love her husband and he loved her, but what she wants more than anything is to be free. Free to go and do as she pleases without anyone watching over her. Later
Kate Chopin was an American author who wrote two novels that got published and at least a hundred short stories. In Kate’s short story The Story of the Hour she uses some of her traumatic event that happened in her lifespan in the short story even though it the story is fictional. A lot of her fictions were set in Louisiana and her best-known works focused on the lives of sensitive intelligent women. One-third of Mrs. Chopin’s stories are children’s stories. A lot of Mrs. Chopin’s novels were forgotten after she died in 1904 but according to Kate Chopin Biography, several of her short stories appeared in an anthology within five years after her death, others were reprinted, and slowly people came back to read her stories.
“The story of an Hour” is a basically a story about an inner battle that the main character Louise has to deal with, as she faces living life after her husband Brently has passed away. The story begins with Louise sister Josephine breaking the news of her husband’s death, which was first announced by Richard the family friend. This send an emotionally distressed Louise crying to her room sad at the news of Brentlys death. Once alone Mrs. Mallard started to feel a strange feeling that kept getting greater the more she stared out
In “The Story of an Hour” we are taken through a journey. The journey is the thoughts and emotions going through Mrs. Mallards (Louise) mind. The journey only takes an hour, so everything moves at a fast pace. Louise seemed to process the news of her husband’s death without an initial element of disbelief and shock. She goes right into the reaction of grieving for her husband. She quickly begins to feel other emotions. At first she does not understand them. The journey is a way that Louise comes to her final thoughts of freedom. She looks into the future and looks forward to living a long life on her own terms.
“The story of an hour” by Kate Chopin is described as a story of great irony having many unexpected twists and turns. Situational and dramatic irony is used throughout the story. This is a story of a woman who finds out her husband’s death in a train accident and reacts with sadness in the beginning, but then realizes a freedom and relief from her repressive life. She experiences a complete joy over the death of her husband and dies from the shock of discovering that he is still alive. The first type of irony encountered is a situational irony, where there is a contrast between what is expected to happen and what actually happens. Mrs. Mallard’s discovery of her lost freedom and regaining her
Mallard. This story has four characters in it- Mr. Mallard, Mrs. Mallard, Josephine, and Richards. Of these four characters, Mrs. Mallard and Josephine are the two main characters, with Mrs. Mallard being the most prominent main character. This story is set in the mid to late 1800s (which is the time it was written), and it is set in an average American home for that time period. Besides briefly mentioning the railroad accident, the story completely occurs in the Mallard’s house. After reading “The Story of An Hour”, I found that the narrator is very descriptive in details- “In the street below a peddler was crying… eaves” (Page 278). These descriptions help to show the difference in times between the mid to late 1800s and nowadays to
After reading “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin the reader can see that the text reveals a major theme about freedom with the use of a few characters, a basic setting, and plot. This text was written to address the crisis of the restricted lives women were forced to live during that time period. In the beginning of the story, the narrator is discussing how they were being careful to break the news of Louis husband’s death because she had a heart problem. In the middle of the text, we learn how the news was accepted. Finally, in the end of the text, the author adds an interesting plot twists that brings the meaning of the story together. Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour,” is the best story because it developed the theme of the loss of freedom can be detrimental through her use of plot, setting, and character.
Kate Chopin, a writer in the late 1800’s, focused on women’s rights and freedoms. In Chopin’s short story, The Story of an Hour, she uses Irony to convey the connection of emotional, physical and psychological freedom for the main character Mrs. Louise Mallard.