I've always attempted my best to help my community. One way I contributed to my community is through participation in the 11/11 Club at our high school. The club is in charge of planning the Veterans Day ceremonies at our school. One of the main reasons that I joined this club is that both of my parents are veterans and I felt it would be a way to return the favor, even if it was just a bit. In earlier years, parents and teachers planned and organized the Veterans Day activities. However, this year my high school is trying something different by having the students run it. The activities will begin with a presentation in the school auditorium with a video of students expressing their gratitude to all the veterans. Then, we are going to have
As people age, they continue to deserve dignity, respect, and community. At Yukio Okutsu Veterans State Home in Hilo, Hawaii, their trusted health care community provides elderly guests the quality support and compassion they deserve.
During my senior year of high school, Berkmar High School celebrated its 50th year anniversary with the 2nd annual “Patriot Day”. Patriot Day is an event that was created to unite the community members of the Berkmar Cluster. I had been a member of the Student Council since my sophomore year of high school, and the organization allowed so many opportunities to volunteer. In addition, I decided I wanted to volunteer for this event because I loved the idea of bringing people together in order to celebrate Berkmar High School.
I proposed to my JROTC instructor that we start our own American Cancer Society (ACS) Relay for Life team. With some dedicated cadets from my JROTC battalion, I organized a charity car wash and raised over $300 to help ensure the success of the Relay. I deeply involved myself in my JROTC program, as a volunteer organizer for 5k runs or flag ceremonies where I served on the primary Honor Guard team and have been given the opportunity to participate in three POWMIA ceremonies at formal military dinners. Out of all the ceremonies I’ve participated in, the POWMIA ceremony was the most important, the most emotional, and the one event that engendered the most pride.
What a veteran means to me is someone who served in the war.Veteran Day means freedom, sacrifice, and honor for those who served in the military. It also means to give thanks to people who served. We should be brave and strong-hearted when meet Verternern . . . . Without Veteran Day, many Americans would forget them and the sacrifices they made . A veteran, American Veterans are role models to me. They make me proud of my country. They fill me with reverence. They are a source of inspiration to me. An American veteran sets an honorable example for me to follow.
I agree with his opinion, and that calling all military veterans heroes is a misuse of the word. I believe the military in general does deserve respect, they perform a very dangerous job on behalf of the country. It is however, just that; a job. Military veterans, joined willingly, and make a living for themselves. Do not mistake me, I think we should be doing so much more for veterans, providing health care, specifically within mental health, providing jobs and more. However, calling all veterans heroes is a mistake, and it does devalue the word. Hero, is a term, that once might have been exclusively for the people we see in the medal of honor recipients below, those that faced great trials, and disregarding their own safety, acted solely
Veteran’s Day; a day where everyone stops what they’re doing and focuses on the people who sacrificed God knows what just to defend their country. It’s a day where kids stand and salute, and they don’t even know why they’re standing, they just know it’s important. It is important, even if you don’t have any ties to veterans, you still have to stop and think about all of the people that have risked and even given their lives just so we can live in a free country. Now I can’t say anything that can even scratch the surface of what these brave men and women have seen, but if I had to just take a guess, I’d say there were burning fields of fire. Every inch you take, every breath you breathe, all you can taste is smoke and all you can feel is pain. Your body is burning no matter what situation you’re in because you never know if
In order to maintain what our veterans have done I will encourage people to use these rights to maintain our democracy. I will continue to be grateful for these freedoms by using them. I will use these freedoms for good by using my rights for what is good for this country. I will continue to speak my mind. I will continue to be actively involved in government. I will register to vote when I am old enough and I will allow this democracy to flourish. I am forever thankful for the veterans who protected this democracy and my rights to exist in it
Veterans day means a lot to me but mostly it means family. Many of my family members were veterans my father many uncles even a great grandmother. As I said many of my family were veterans and if it was not for family I would not be here. But if was not for veterans I would not be here either so if it was not for them the idea of being here would sound insane. I love my family and to think a large group of my family fought so I could be here makes me love them even more. Family is great and it is great to be able to experience it but some people’s family members died in the armed forces but at least they died serving the country. My family is amazing and they have done so much for me and it is a amazing thought to think many of them even were
VA St. Louis Health Care System makes changes to provide exceptional health care to vets
Every year since 1919 on November 11th, America celebrates Veterans Day. However, do our people truly understand the meaning behind putting on that army camouflage uniform. Now, the term hero is used very loosely and it is losing its meaning throughout the nation. In any case, it is important to realize the actual reasoning behind why our veterans are America’s heroes.
Veterans are heroes in the eyes of many citizens of the United States. There are over 20 million veterans who have risked their lives at young ages to help give this nation a fear free life. They serve and protect the land for their children, spouses, parents, family, and neighbors. Yet they are not treated with the love and respect they truly deserve. Those who have served took a devastating loss when the, “House Appropriations Subcommittee marked up the 2016 Veterans Affairs funding bill, and slashed more than $1.4 billion from the president 's requested budget for America’s Veterans” ( ask mrs. Pyle 8). Today, the nation’s hero are treated worse than prisoners who have committed murder or rape. While these criminals have a safe and warm place to stay, there are many homeless veterans who are starving and out in the cold. There are veteran centers around the United States, but they are over capacity, and some do not give the care the veterans desperately need. The men and woman are only allowed to see the doctors who work for the V.A., or the appointment and the treatment will not be accepted by the insurance. Instead of spending money on new faculties, the government feels that when another country is in trouble, they deserve the money more than their own people. Veterans of the United States are being put on the back burner while the government gives more attention to the murderers and child molesters in prison, other countries that have people in need just like the
Veterans Day is a national holiday to commemorate fallen and current men and women for serving our country. One year after The Great War, November 11 was declared as Armistice Day by President Wilson. It officially became a holiday on June 1, 1954. Then later the name was changed to ‘Veterans Day’ on October 8th (Office of Public Affairs). From then on it was a widely celebrated holiday.
Throughout history, America has shone the bright light of freedom onto the darkness and oppression in this world, and has done so with the help of millions of brave soldiers. From 1776 to 2004, soldiers have and continue to put their lives on the line for the great cause of upholding freedom. Their ultimate sacrifice has allowed the liberty light to shine strong, and to keep you, me, and all Americans safe under Lady Liberty’s arm.
So being a National Honor Society student, the last couple of years I’ve loved finishing ways I can help my community. I’ve always loved doing little things to help someone who needs it Community service to me, is more than just holding the door open for someone, picking up trash, or helping someone with their groceries. I want to help people grow and be a better person while serving my community. I’m glad I do more than volunteer, I try to impact the lives of people and I feel that is what I have
The ratification of the sixteenth amendment to the constitution established the federal income tax. The federal income tax is a tax the United States government collects on the wages and income an individual may earn in a year. Each year federal income taxes are collected from millions of Americans based on a progressive taxing formula. The progressive structure of the formula is designed to ensure that each individual no matter their income, pays what is considered a fair taxation rate. If an individual earns more, more taxes are levied against the earned wages and income.