
Veterans : The Intricate Journey

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Veterans the Intricate Journey
Veterans are the individuals that by practicing their beliefs in freedom, have unintentionally rewritten history. They exist as our dads, moms, uncles, brothers, sisters, and grandfathers. Americans honor these veterans that are willing to offer the ultimate sacrifice in order to honor and protect their country. Yet, society constantly overlook their desire and passion for this country. Veterans Day is the day that society set aside every year to honor those who have served. Veterans submit themselves to a long journey filled with life changing events in order to defend their countries’ values and deserve further appreciation.
Several people have forgotten what it means to be a veteran. Most of the younger populace would just say it is putting on a uniform, carrying a gun, and having to shoot at an enemy, nevertheless it is usually more about defending their country and standing up for what is right, even after numerous days of severe and sweaty fighting the enemy with their fellow soldiers dying all around soldiers, until the war is finally over and soldiers gets to return home with the knowledge that other soldiers were not as lucky. This is what it means to be a veteran. A veteran’s glory tends to be underappreciated by the majority of the American people, since they do not understand all the misery and pain that the soldiers endured for it isn’t mentioned in the job description. American people need to do more in order to show respect to

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