
Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD)

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The VFD. That sounds like something straight out of science fiction, or maybe from an old monster movie or perhaps the title of a children’s book. In the realm of agriculture, the phrase “VFD” strikes a chord with many, as something that was once just an idea has finally come to fruition. In terms of food animal production, the term VFD is an acronym that stands for “veterinary feed directive.” This directive took effect as of January 1st of this year, and as for a simple explanation, it is an action taken to further regulate the use of antibiotics in the care of animals. Antibiotics that are medically important to animals now require veterinary oversight through a prescription or “directive” from a veterinarian when they are used, just as doctors must prescribe and monitor the use of most antibiotics to humans if they are needed. Before the VFD took effect, some antibiotics could be purchased without direction from a veterinarian to be used on animals that were ill or to prevent sickness, while others still needed to be prescribed by a veterinarian. Today, now that the VFD is in effect, most antibiotics now require a directive from a veterinarian or their designee, and it is now against federal law to use certain antibiotics without the direction or oversight of a veterinarian. Using antibiotics in a manner that is not …show more content…

Unfortunately, antibiotic use in animals is something that is misunderstood by many, especially by those who are not that familiar with the agriculture industry. This affects the perception of our industry by consumers in a few different ways. Some people believe that something known as a “veterinary feed directive” must be mandatory directions from the government instructing veterinarians to medicate every animal for food they treat with

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