This book catch my attention about comparison about between Victim Mindests and Creators Mindests are taking the responsibilies path. Firstly, I have to agree with this book about Victims Mindests have lot of problems instead Creator Mindests. I think Victims Mindest are not taking the reponsibilities seriously as result they get lot of troubles with the schools and grades. They are very busy with their minds about having funs, parties, and being lazier students, so they need to change their life sytples enable better responsiblies. They always taking advantages of Creator Mindests to do copies of their homeworks and tests. Additon, they are giving Creator Mindest to do hard works for them until Victim Mindests are going takes the big test
After examining Mark’s scenario it was clear to see the developmental issues faced by this young man from various domains. For example, in Marks situation he shows signs of middle childhood biosocial development by how he assumes that the bullying is caused by his size and how he blames himself for the situation. In the book, The Developing
Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, behaves in an unforgivable, yet understandable manner. When Hester Prynne is in prison for having an affair, proven by the resulting child, Dimmesdale does not confess to his sin nor stand with Hester during her shameful punishment. Throughout the novel, Dimmesdale is being torn apart by the gnawing guilt growing inside of him while Hester is constantly a scornful object in the public’s eye.
Hannah is a lot like myself, and I believed nothing like this would ever happen to one of us. We were top tier athletes, students, and spent all our free time sleeping or eating rather than partying. I learned that it is never up to the victim and the strongest of people can be taken advantage of. Hannah was tricked into trying a drink that was drugged when no one was watching. Talking to the guy, trying to be nice because he was a friend of a friend. I had engaged in a fundamental attribution error by making judgements on similar situations without knowing all the details. Now, sexual assault victims look very different.
Abuse, hatred and anger represent the main themes in this poem. The speaker clearly hates and feels anger towards her father. Her mother had taught the kids to hate him. “Taught us to take it, to hate you and take it until we pricked with her for your annihilation,” she hates her father to the extent that she and the siblings were happy about their parents separating. “When mother divorced you, we were glad”. The speaker’s mother is a victim of abuse. She had tolerated her husband and his behaviors till she divorced him. “She took it and took it, in silence, all those years”
Did you know that too much encouragement will make a child over confident and less likely to work hard. When kids get to feeling like they are really good at something they feel like all of the hard work is done and that they are at the top. They slow down their effort allowing others to catch up. They are less likely to work hard because they think they are good enough already. Once a child gets good and works at what they do they need to keep going and pushing because they will get passed by others. Mindset, by Carol Dweck explains, that kids need praise but not too much because there overconfidence will pull them down and others will pass them in life. Sometimes kids that got praise that tore them down took that praise and
The Hate Crime Prevention Act provides funding and technical assistances to state, local, and tribal jurisdictions to help them to more effectively investigate and prosecute hate crimes (The United States Department of Justice, 2015). This specific policy also created a new federal law against individuals who committed a crime based on a victim’s: religion, national origin, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or disability (The United State Department of Justice, 2015). The theory of social justice is a theory that share a connection with the Hate Crime Prevention Act because it illustrates the fair and equal treatment of all individuals. According to Robinson (2010) John Rawls a theorist who published “Justice as Fairness” stated the theory of social justice develops principles of justice that governs a modern social order.
You did mention some important points that directly tie with this weeks topic. The victim mindset, people who fail to take responsibility for their actions, especially when events in life dont turn out as they plan happens to be some of the leading courses of for people considering themselves as victims of society. Having the victim mindset. I consider this state of mind to be a negative one becasue people people in most cases turn to see only the negatives. For instance, bad things always happens but to me, and they always have this expectations that thingds would go wrong. I think the best way out of the precarious situation is for people learn to take responsibility for every action and circumstance in life. g in new lines of
In this course we learned about many different types of oppression, from the time America was first “discovered” and the discoverers began oppressing the Indians, to slavery, to the oppression of the mentally handicapped, all the way to more “modern” times in schools were students are being oppressed.
was brought in. I was shocked, really. I don’t remember the last time I saw a patient in
Victims can exhibit all sorts of mental and emotional reactions to the unwanted violation of assault. Mentally, the most common effects are PTSD, depression, and dissociation, all of which are not remediable overnight and ordinarily require outside help (Effects of Sexual Assault and Rape, 2017). Outside help includes speaking with a psychiatrist. However, the healing process is lengthened unnecessarily because it takes at least a year for 75% of child victims to tell someone what happened (The Assessment Center, 2016). For all ages, this waiting time before attempting to receive help serves the prevention of the healing process, thus prolonging the span of time spent in pain.
The employment of torture to an individual not only leaves a physical and psychological mark, but creates an altered reality that the victim must now adjust to. The authors of Victims of Fear: The Social Psychology of Repression, argue that “Like all experiences of trauma, the torture experience needs to be worked through in the context in which it occurred by reconstructing and reliving it in all its horror and thereby coming to terms with its personal and social meaning” (Salimovich,80). Alternatively, in The Illness of Exile, author Caroline Moorehead, notes that “what they needed was not medical help, which perpetuated their sense of being victims, but practical assistance in putting their lives onto a tolerable footing” (Moorehead,
The topic that was developed in topic Week one for the Final Research proposal was on the subject, “The Impact of Hate Violence on victims.” The research was conducted by the National Institute against Prejudice and Violence so as to determine the nature and level of hate violence on victims in the year 2011.
Hate crimes is a crime committed against a person or property motivated by ill will or hostility to separate social group. Probably you became / you have become a victim of a hate crime if you think that someone harmed you because of your race, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity, or disability.
Third, powerlessness groups lack power, status, and authority. The powerlessness is ones who do not usually command for their rights instead they listen to the professionals. These groups does not receive respect and fairly more difficult to even progress in society; therefore, they remain powerless. This position in society becomes challenging to even develop skills, find resources, and obtain higher education because they are constantly taking orders and missing the sense of self. Unfortunately, it can be seen that the powerless group are trying to survive day-by-day obeying orders.
On the other hand, Chua notes that the western system breeds emotionally and mentally fragile children who may be ill prepared to face the challenges of life. The two approaches are a byproduct of different philosophies. Still, in the end, no system is better than the other is; they both produce brilliant children who turn out into very successful adults. Both systems have weaknesses, which the proponents should address to improve