Carla had a routine of jogging to her boyfriend's Casey's apartment that was two miles away. She would spend the night and jog back in the morning. Carla's neighborhood was kind of safe but where her boyfriend Casey resided was not. This day she set off to his apartment and never made it. He was planning to smoke pot with Carla and her friends around midnight that day. Carla's body was found covered by trees ten minutes from where her boyfriend lived. Victim precipitation theory is when an individual provokes a situation to happen. Now Carla didn’t have to jog to Casey's apartment. She could have had him jog with her or ask him to meet her at her apartment since it was only two miles away. It only took he fifteen minutes to get to his apartment, just like she jogged to his apartment he could …show more content…
The boyfriend is in a harmful environment, so Carla should have never jogged to his apartment. He chose to live in a complex that was hidden off the road. He didn’t have to do that but that's what he wanted to do. Her living conditions caused his girlfriend to be in harms way. Deviant place theory is when something happens because it is a crime area. This was bound to happen to Carla cause she was in harm's way by going to his apartment. By her knowing where his apartment was she shouldn’t have jogged to his apartment at all. She should have had him come and get her or asked a friend to walk her to his apartment. The most relevant victimization theory to me that fits his case is the routine activity theory. The reason I picked that one is cause it states that she always leaves her apartment around the same time and goes to her
Victim Ronald Logan testified before the Court that on January 30, 2016 about 5:30 p.m., he was sitting inside of his car outside the Decatur Apartments listening to music when a male, Kilo, approached his car asking if he had changed for a $10.00. Kilo then jumped into the backseat of his car on the passenger side without his permission and pulled out a gun pointing it to the back his head demanding that he “give him everything that he had.” Victim Logan stated that he reached into his pants pocket and gave him $200.00-$300.00. Kilo then instructed for him to crank the car up and drive off. As victim Logan drove out of the apartment complex, Kilo fired a shot in his back causing him to crash into a house a few houses down from the apartment
Vanessa Vermont was murdered in her own home in her kitchen , after she called the electrician (Volta). The police interviewed Winthrop ( Vanessa’s Husband) immediately he assumed or accused Volta as a suspect of the murder. The police think suspect that Winthrop committed the crime of murdering his wife. My report will show that the husband ( Winthrop) committed the crime of murdering his wife (Vanessa).
I then discovered there were no other victims or threats. Soon After detecting no pulse on both bodies I secure the scene with crime scene tape. EMS arrives at 11:34 AM and pronounces both dead on arrival at 11:40am. The Male victim was later identified as Johnny Nogood resident of the house DOB 7/4/86, and driver's license number 87654321 Tx. His Lifeless body was laying on his back, with his head towards the door. His left arm was to his side as the right arm was above the side of his head. There was a red liquid substance surrounding his head, it was also coming out of his nose and mouth running in the direction of his forehead. Johnny was wearing a blue hoodie, blue jean pants and brown boots. Next to his left foot was a pistol and next to his right leg was an empty magazine. Across the room was a female body laying on her side in front of a refrigerator, with her back towards the entry door of the house. She was laying in a puddle of red substance, That appeared to be her own. The red liquid substance appeared to be distributed. The disturbance may have been from the dog who was injured. The dog was guarding its owner during the 911 Call. The female who was later
I am writing to obtain permission to take the class, CJS 342 Victimology as an elective in the summer. Because I am pursuing a family and child concentration, I will be exposed to patients who are victims of offenders in many social institutions. This includes, but not limited to: women, men, children, LGBT community, etc. This class will allow me to understand the rights in a criminal justice standpoint and how to properly be an advocate for victims in many different environments. I have an interest in returning back to Ethiopia, my home country, to pursue a career in social work. Keeping this in mind, our culture tends to have negative reactions to victims of any crimes. With the skills and knowledge I will be gaining, I will be equipped
Hi my dear friend x Hope you are ok and are having a nice week. It is rainy today and the temperature got down several degrees here, after of so many days so hot, at last, the rain and a little of cold arrived. I would have liked to write to you before, Ken, especially because since days ago I am thinking of you had to visit your doctor again this week, if I don't reckon wrong, and well, to tell you that I hope all is well with you.
The case was that Rudolph Holton appealed his conviction for first-degree murder and sentence of death. Facing the challenges of his convictions for first-degree murder and sexual battery assault to a woman. On June 23, 1986, a woman was practically found unclothed it was the body of Katrina Graddy, that was found in a burning vacant house. Leaving everyone in doubt of who could’ve done that to her. In the crime scene they found pieces of her clothing that someone had tied around her neck and around Katrina’s wrist. The scene was so traumatizing that they say that a glass bottle was partially inserted in her intimate parts. Soon law enforcement tested sperm remaining in the victim's body coming to find that the tests were all negative. From the many police men who were studying the case the victim's body, police men questioned Carl Scheck who had been found sleeping his truck parked directly across from the burning house. He told investigators that he had been parked there for about an hour from 10:00 or 11:00 p.m. the night before. He stated that he knew nothing, that he was just waiting for the hitchhiker. Scheck kept saying that he fell asleep during that time and eventually was awakened by the fire engines night. From the
She has one friend named Stacy that knows everything about Nicole, they are best friends until one day Stacy is shot in a drive by and is killed. Nicole’s story is an example of marriage and family, poverty, and crime. Like Lisa, Nicole does not have parents that support their family or treat them right. Nicole’s step-dad is an alcoholic and abusive towards her. She is to the point where she has to lie to her teacher about her bruises so she does not get taken away. She feels like she is all alone and nowhere to go that is safe for her, not even school. Also, when her only friend Stacy dies in a drive-by, this is an example of high crime rates in poverty neighborhoods. In class, we talked about how there tends to be more crimes in the less wealthy neighborhood versus the wealthier neighborhoods. The kids that grow up in these very poor neighborhoods, tend to turn to criminal behavior because that is all they know. They have grown up around it their whole lives, and they have become accustomed to it. So maybe a drive by or gunshots in Nicole’s neighborhood are common for her and she does not even phase when she hears a gun shot.
Sharing a one bedroom apartment with eight other people is not a placid experience according to Jairo Gomez. Jairo and his family have spent their whole life growing up in poverty in the midst of New York City. According to the government the Family is fifteen thousand dollars under the poverty line. The Gomez’s mother is a cleaning lady who works all day followed by coming home and cleaning her own house and taking care of her children. Jairo’s mother asks Jairo to constantly stay home from school and watch his younger siblings or to babysit after school. This limits Jairo’s time hanging out with friends, work, and completing school work. Since Jairo has never had freedom he often cut class to hang out with friends. Soon enough Jairo realizes that him playing hooky on school and staying home to babysit is damaging his chance to graduate from school and become successful later in life after he enrolled in the tenth grade for the second time. Jairo finally realized he needed to take initiative and change his ways. He did not want to
Deviance is explained by this theory because criminal behavior is more prominent in rundown areas with citizens who have lower socioeconomic backgrounds. Two sub-theories such as differential association theory and strain theory explain more in depth why people join violent gangs or are subjected to be dangerous consumers. Differential association theory puts a focus on the idea that people learn criminal behavior from the people they associate with. For example, the gang members who shot the woman’s son learn to do that from the previous gang members of whom they associated with. Strain theory is when an individual undertakes deviant acts because there is a discrepancy between the larger society and the means available for that individual to achieve a goal in the larger society. An example is the people in New Orleans that the cops arrested who had drugs and were trying to sell them to innovate a quicker way to make
Six days later, police arrested Winston Moseley, a 29-year-old machine operator. In addition to being convicted of Murder of Catherine Genovese, Moseley also admitted to killing two other women in the past year during his investigation. Law enforcement was unsure to hold the eyewitnesses responsible for failure to report the crime that resulted in the murder. After investigations with witnesses most admitted they were too afraid to call, or gave other arbitrary reasons for not reporting the crime. Detectives interviewed a couple that admitted to hearing the screams and even witnessed the crimes. When asked why they didn’t contact the police the wife replied, “I don’t know” (Gansberg, 1964). Another witness told the police he overheard the screams and he didn’t report it because he was tired and went back to bed. Detectives were able to capture the suspect rather quickly, because the residents of the neighborhood were capable of providing detailed information leading to the arrest of Moseley. It was this event, that created The Genovese Syndrome, otherwise known as The bystander effect; The bystander effect refers to the phenomenon that an individual 's likelihood of helping
Using criminological terms and concepts, focus on a jurisdiction, neighborhood, or geographic locale with which you are familiar. Regarding a human behavior which you select to focus on in that geographical space, write two concise yet comprehensive paragraphs on how social disorganization theory can inform your understanding of behavior and place, and one weakness which would find your understanding somehow lacking, and why. Then write two equally compelling paragraphs on how routine activities theory would foster your understanding, and one weakness which might leave your understanding lacking, and why.
Today, Times Square Church embarks on a 3-day fasting and prayer for the teenagers and youths of this generation. And what a time it is for us to come together as a body to pray. The devil has been roaming about targeting teens and youths, and it's time to stop him in his tracks. All too often, we are busy focusing on other things that we turn a blind eye to what the devil is doing in the lives of some of our young ones.
The victim, Nicole knew Darnel and stated that he is not supposed to be at her residence. Nicole advised that Darnel was her son. Nicole also stated that residence was her boyfriends, Timothy Parker. Nicole told officers on scene that Darnel was not supposed to be in Parker’s residence.
In any and every society, there is a level of deviance or crime, no matter how big or small. Deviance is when the norms of a society are disregarded, while crime is when there is a defiance of laws within a society. Individuals who are deviant tend to be nonconforming to the society in which they live, challenging social expectations and deviating from what is considered the norm. Meanwhile, crime is a form of deviance that also discards norms, but in a way that breaks the laws of a certain society or community. When looking at deviance and crime in a micro-level perspective, there are three different theories often used to analyze the reasoning for both in a society. These theories include the Differential Association Theory, the Control Theory and the Labeling Theory. In further dissecting these theories, one can gain a greater insight into the workings of society.
#Metoo. I am also a victim. I was sexually abuse when I was 4 years old and for many years I was disgusted with that part of myself for “letting it happen”. But no more, I don’t want to reject my identity as a survivor anymore; I want to embrace it. I don’t want it continue consuming my life through depression or anxiety.