
Victimless Crime Essay

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Victimless Crime Victimless crime is defined as an illegal act that is felt to have no direct or identifiable victim. Drug possession and usage is considered to be a type of victimless crime. Libertarianism says the government is set up to offer protection for each of us against the initiation of force by others. They say this gives us the “moral space” in which to live our own lives in our own chosen way-even if that means choosing to use drugs. A person under the influence of illegal drugs is known to cause damage to themselves, other people or property. Is this not initiation of force on others.
Drug abuse can result in increased risk of health problems such as illness, injuries and physical damage to the body or death; drug …show more content…

Drugs are related to crime through the effects they have on the user’s behavior and by generating violence and other illegal activity in connection with drug trafficking. Drug-related offenses and drug-using lifestyles are major contributors to the crime problem in the United States. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) conducts an annual National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA) that asks individuals living in households about their drug and alcohol use and their involvement in crimes. Provisional data for 1997 show that respondents arrested in the past year for possession or sale of drugs had the highest percentage of illicit drug use in the past year. Past year illicit drug users were also about 16 times more likely than nonusers to report being arrested and booked for larceny or theft; more than 14 times more likely to be arrested and booked for such offenses as driving under the influence, drunkenness, or liquor law violations; and more than 9 times more likely to be arrested and booked on an assault charge. The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (ADAM) Program measures drug use among arrestees by calculating the percentage of arrestees with positive urine tests for drug use. Data collected from male arrestees in 1998 in 35 cities showed that the percentage for any drug ranged from 42.5% to 78.7%. Female arrestees testing positive ranged from 33.3% to

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