
Victor In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

Decent Essays

Victor is shown as an irresponsible character as he creates something, which doesn’t satisfy him. Throughout the beginning of the novel we discover his incapability to connect with the life he has made. We see the beautiful creature he makes quickly turns into his enemy, Victor’s response to the creature is surprisingly negative and this shows us just how dangerous science is.

Through Victors studying he discovers the power of electricity as a powerful tool, which creates life and creates the monster. It gives life to the lifeless. Victor is lead to fantasize about the possibilities of creating life using the power of electricity and the body of a once living man. Regenerating life becomes his obsession, after much research he tells us “I …show more content…

It has taken up a lot of his time, and almost wasted his life on something, which might not have even been successful. Until we discover once the creature comes to life and he regrets his decision being filled with “horror and …show more content…

He immediately decides he doesn’t want anything to do with it as it is ugly with ‘watery eyes’ and ‘black straight lips’. When categorically we would expect him to admire his creation showing affection and attention rather than deserting it and speaking of it in such a disrespectful manner.

The nightmare he has is highly symbolic of his guilt; even though he realizes his mistake he is aware he has overstepped his limits. Morning dawns but brings no hope only rain from a “comfortless” sky. The weather itself seems to embody Victor’s misery. The solace he receives that day is the arrival of Henry, who realizes that something is wrong but cannot discover the reason. By Henry noticing his peculiar behavior shows how this creature really has affected him, however it is Victor who is the causation for such

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