
Victoria II: The Industrial Revolution

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The Industrial Revolution, a controversial but pivotal period of time in history beginning in Britain with the Commercial and Agricultural revolutions happening in the late 1700’s. Production shifted from handmade products made by people with basic tools in their own homes to the mass production of these same things but in large factories and with machines (Ure 19). The Industrial Revolution’s main component was the discovery of coal and the finding that it could be used to fuel factories instead of using water power. This allowed for factories to be build anywhere instead of relying on a river. The increase of factories brought up more trade which increased the number of banks and financial institutions all over Europe (Dewald 248). The video game Victoria II which allows players to choose a country to manage during the late 1700’s, in this case, Britain, depicts a specific order of the evolution of financial institutions. Although, at first glance, Victoria II, may seem to be accurate regarding commerce inventions, the order is off in some places and does not give the player an entire view of …show more content…

It starts with having private banks which were small banks sometimes out of people’s homes. The next thing that can be researched under the finance tab is the stock exchange which is a little bit more complicated than private banks. After the stock exchange, business banks and investment banks can be created. These were banks that operated on a larger scale and that covered and could do more than a small bank out of someone’s house. The Bank Inspection Board can be developed next and lastly, mutual funds can be created. (“Technology-Commerce”) All of these things help to improve England’s finances during and after the Industrial Revolution in the

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