
Victoria Jae Lee Biography

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Victoria Jae Lee was perhaps a historical figure. Well, who was she? No, she did not own millions or invest her money in shopping and nails, nor did she have an interest in doing so. She had goals to meet and kept her eyes on the ticking hands of time, counting each second of every minute. Similar to every other person, Victoria had a dream, a plan, and had ideas. Though, what made this person’s history last until today were not due to her flaws, her reasoning or explanations, nor from what she did. This biography is the centerpiece that will explain to you why Victoria is the subject of interest for today. She was unique from any other human being. Now in her aftermath, she was recognized as a significant figure for not what she had contributed …show more content…

Her parents were living in San Jose at the time, raising their two and a half years old son, Nikolas Tyler Lee. They had traveled with her brother for months before settling down. Victoria was the youngest in her family. At the time, her mother Barbara Anne Alderete was thirty-two years of age and her father was barely thirty-seven. Her parents saw her as a bright child who was adored by any person to meet her. They knew she was different the day she burst into life, unique and precious. Victoria’s development was flourishing and exceptionally impressive. Aside from these characteristics, she had one trait that she would understand its significance further in life. It was observance. She was an intent listener and watched every movement she could gaze her eyes upon. Even though she could not understand what it meant to her, it became her guidance and wisdom during a turning point that would change her life …show more content…

She adored animals, owned two cats, two birds, a turtle, and many types of lizards. She loved going outside and traveling to beaches, forests, and cities. Victoria was very active, always playing sports with her family such as soccer, golf, tennis, and swimming, In softball, she received four trophies for her dedication and determination as a team player. She sang in the choir at the school she attended, Edith Landels Elementary. Later she had performed live concerts at the Shoreline Amphitheater. At school, she was awarded certificates for being the best educational student and leader in her classes five years straight. By age ten, she was in charge of leading the Pledge of Allegiance and morning announcements every week in front of the school. She gained confidence at a young age and was not afraid to speak her mind. She learned to give and offer help to those who needed it most. Her goal was to make people happy because it made her feel as if she was doing something right. Victoria learned many valuable lessons as years flew by such as honesty, trust, forgiveness, and wisdom. She made promises to herself that swore she would not change her heart in the future due to the influence she knew was

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