
Victoria's Secret Essay

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Victoria’s Secret
When a company produce an advertisement or commercial, their main goal is to sell their product. To sell their products in market, they use different methods such as, using an actors or actresses, wrestlers, soccer players or a super models. No matter who they use, their purpose is to get their audience attention and sell their products. Victoria’s Secret is the largest American retailer of women’s lingerie, which was founded by Roy Raymond in 1977. According to the websites, ('s_Secret ) it says that more than 500,000 people uses Victoria’s Secret products. The products in Victoria’s Secret are not only design to sell their products in a market place, but to help …show more content…

Victoria’s Secret has an interesting marketing strategies. For example, as we know that Victoria’s Secret products is made mainly for women who are 18 and older, however, men also watch their fashion show or read their magazine because they have glamorous models advertising their products. Victoria’s Secret uses their strategies in a smart way where they encourages men to buy bras and bikinis as a present to their wife or girlfriends, in order to make them as glamorous as the models used in Victoria’s Secret …show more content…

For example, to sell their products, they uses famous, well known, and alluring models in their websites or in magazines; however they are not completely exposed. After watching their commercials or shows in the TV, many young women like me get a desire to look as pretty and hot as the model that was walking on Victoria’s Secret bra and bikini. Not only this, the company also has done great job influencing their audience to buy their product, by using attention grabbing words like angels, sexy, fabulous etc. to describe their products

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