In video 0148-Subject: Generalist, two of the way that the teacher managed her students behavior where proximity and by using a hand signal that informed the class they were not being respectful. In this video the class is divided up into two groups and both groups are discussing how to spend money they earned selling compost to their community. You can tell that the students are all very passionate about their endeavor and how to make it better and expand community awareness. Because of the close proximity of the groups and the nature of the discussion you can sometimes hear student’ voices getting louder as they try to make their point of view heard. The teacher uses zone of proximity to make sure the discussion do not get too out of hand.
2.2 The teacher would need to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others in the ground rules. Although this is not always adhered to by learners the teacher would make clear to the individual that inappropriate behaviour would not be tolerated and ask them to remain quiet or leave the session depending on the severity of the behaviour. Distractions from learners has the potential to distract others, therefore wasting time and potentially leading to the early commencement of the session.
In the first three minutes of the YouTube video, the Mythbusters conduct an experiment to observe a person’s driving ability while using a cell phone and while driving drunk. To do so, the experimenters come up with the hypothesis, “driving using a cell phone is just as dangerous as drunk driving.” There are two independent variables. One variable is the cell phone, and the other is the alcohol. On the other hand, the dependent variable is the instructor who is giving the driving test. They test this hypothesis using three experimental conditions. First, to get acquainted with the course, each of the two people drive cell phone free and sober. The next experimental condition consists of Jamie, one of the experimenters, distracting each driver with a phone
It is important for a teacher to challenge disruptive behaviour immediately and consistently. I feel by trying to make lessons enjoyable and providing work that helps students to achieve minimizes disruptive behaviour. The use of good communication by the teacher can also be a useful tool. This includes the use of the voice, phrasing, eye contact and body language. For example, using an assertive tone when making a request or physically positioning yourself near disruptive students.
A good reaction arises in me when I see the union of society as you can clearly see in these videos analyzed; For example, in the video the movie Holding Ground part 2 About the Dudley Street Initiative in South Boston and Cabrini Green in Chicago, clearly see as a culture is work of a neighborhood in a way that reaches social neglect and harms the community general because poor hygiene and poor services become absolute owner and harm the good development of that community.
In the small town of Libby, Montana, teamwork is necessary. Teamwork relates to this video because of what they are trying to do. The citizens of Libby are trying to get the asbestos problem to be looked at as a national issue and emergency, but some higher up authorities are not giving in. They use teamwork to try to make this a bigger issue. If one or two people say something or to stand up for something, it is never a big deal as a nation. However, more people can make this problem noticed. Knowing this, the people of Libby that are going through this issue join together as one town and one unit to try to make something happen. They had large
A highway patrol officer in Ohio is being hailed as a hero. He saved the life of a truck driver after his semi-truck crashed. The officer's name is John Devers. There is a dash cam video that captured the accident, and the aftermath of it.
The woman in the clip is not happy with the commitment of the guy as he has failed her. She grabs her collar and hangs her up and as the guy begs her for mercy, she plans a different way of giving what she thinks he deserves. She tears his t-shirt up and attempts a bit of foreplay. She further loses her jacket to display her cleavage and to make him excited. As the guy in the clip thinks s that she is going to intimate with him, she takes an alter from her back and plays with it on his body. She puts it on his neck and slits his throat spilling blood all over her cleavage. She then rubs it o her as she fancies the punishment that she has executed.
The Graeters video relates to what we have learned about business and change by showing us that change within a business is virtually inevitable. As times change and technology becomes more apparent, business must also change or use valuable resources to become more efficient to keep up with, or become more successful than the surrounding competition. Graeters experience with change was a bit different than that of other companies. Before technological innovations brought about the refrigerator and modern ice cream machines ice cream was a delicacy, it was something people couldn’t get every day or whenever they desired. In the times after though, many companies began to mass produce ice cream making thousands of gallons per day. Graeters
In the videos sports journalist David Zirin spoke about a common myth that sports and politics don’t mix. Zirin likes to point out that sports and politics are so imbedded into each other that we as fans don’t even notice. Sports seem to contradict themselves when there are constant militarism and patriotic acts being taken place at sporting events. Zirin pointed out military appreciation games where those in attendance had the chance to enlist at the game as a place where sports and politics mix. Zirin also speaks about how taking part in the game is often compared to war. The video had a football player speaking about the game he had just played saying it was a war and the other players were out to kill him and he was a soldier. By using these terms in a sports world, fans are exposed to a glamorized war and political terms. This becomes a form of
Hi Florence Somers, nice to meet you my fellow classmate. The labor conditions in the Auret van Heerden’s video were some of the worst I have witnessed. Workers’ rights and trade are among some of the most controversial matters. Strict labor standards are the proponents of worker rights arguments. The key consideration is the impact that labor standard policies will create to improve human rights among trading partners. Another question that must be asked is will these policies keep the politically powerless workers mired in poverty? Labor standards should be enforced by democracies to establish a high moral ground.
In this assignment I will explore my role, responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher within the teacher training cycle and will analyse the different ways in which I would establish ground rules with students which may promote good behaviour and respect for other students who are participating within the same learning environment (Gravells, 2010).
The video beautifully merges the problems that will be faced by the health care system of the United States in the near future because of some of the issues that are present pertaining to the pharmaceutical companies and the regulations of the health care system. It should be noted here that generic medicines are the medicines that are being used in America more than the branded ones. The reason for this is that these medicines are cheaper than the branded medicines. However, the same branded medicines are available in other countries at a cheaper rate. The main reason for this difference is that the health care system of the United States does not have a price control system and therefore, the American consumers have to sort of subsidize for the consumers of the branded medicines all over the world. Apart from this, the Federal Drug Authority has shown a decline in the acceptance rate of the drugs. The different pharmaceutical companies that come up with different formulations of the medicines are turned down because FDA does not permit these medicines to come into the US market. Moreover, the health care system of the country does not provide free medicines to the people as it happens in other welfare states like Canada.
I-Diots and Wake-Up Call are two YouTube videos that are worth comparing in the way they communicate a powerful criticism of our consumption.
Throughout his presentation, Hans Rosling shows that the rich and wealthy release the most carbon emissions, but they are often the ones telling Africa or another developing country they shouldn't begin using fossil fuels and other technology because it's hurting the environment. Rosling claims that the rich end look down at the "poor" people and say, "You cannot live like us, you will destroy the planet." Technology, however, is key to progressing out of poverty and developing. As shown in his graphs, the wealthy release the most emissions, but shake their finger at developing countries that are starting to use technology and/or burn fossil fuels. An example used in the video is Africa and the coal available to them to provide warmth and light.
There are three teachers in the classroom, one does reading/lesson circle with a small group of students, another does arts and crafts, and one of them circulates throughout the room helping students with their work-plans. The teacher that circulates around the room all the time appears to be the head teacher and when a conflict arises she is the one to mediate it. The way that the teachers speak with the children is as if they are equals, they aren’t talked down to and the students give the teachers complete respect.