The video is an extract from the UK television show called the Office season 1 episode 1 by Gary Stapler. The part of the video was taken from Ricky Gervais ground breaking comedy The Office and it was published on the 12 March 2013. The video is set in a workplace environment and the overall view of the clip demonstrate unsafe space workplace environment by which Gareth is subjected to a hoax, which he did not like and made him feel uncomfortable and angry. Moreover in an attempt to solve the situation the boss David aggravates the whole scene. For that reason observing the way that Gareth is ridiculed by his work mates, the way they speak to him proves an unsafe space at his place of work. 4. 5. Summary of literature A safe space is an environment where people accept other people’s belief, culture, knowledge, behaviours, attitudes, religious afflictions and share ideas. Safe space also refers to self-expression and working without fear and being accommodating to other peoples cultures (Quappe& Cantatoe,2006). According to Holly and Steiner,(2005) safe space refers to an environment where one is free to express their individuality even when it completely differs from the norms of others through …show more content…
As the Manager David should provide his colleagues a safe and healthy work environment free from judgement, bullying and emotional harm in order to promote and strengthen relations in the workplace. Nevertheless cultural intelligence plays a big part in peoples cultures. As stated by Brislin, Worthely & Marna (2005) cultural intelligence occurs when one promptly modify their way of behaving so as to accommodate other peoples culture. Brislin et al defined cultural intelligence as the capacity to get along with people from other cultures through learning and working together with
Williams (1999, p. 213) states that cultural safety is a safe environment for people; that is, respect and understand others, and share their knowledge and experiences through truly listening. AIDA (2013) explains why cultural safety is important for indigenous people. Aboriginal peoples experience discrimination and racism in many ways especially health service; however, cultural safety help to close the gap between indigenous Australian and non- indigenous Australian (AIDA 2013). Cultural awareness is first step to understand
Safety – relative freedom from danger, risk, or threat of harm, injury, or loss to personnel and/or property, whether caused deliberately or by accident. (Business Dictionary, 2014)
Safety – offering safe and friendly environment that individuals or families and friends can enjoy without fear or intimidation
According to Patricia Hill Collins in “The Power of Self-Definition,” creating a safe space is important part of empowerment because:
They focus more about how safe people feel, while still making sure they are actually safe. To do so, they offer having security devices built within the structure of buildings. Having them with the walls makes it more discrete, so it will not affect the image of the building. They also mention having a balance between safety and an inspiring environment, which is one of the biggest challenges in modern day society. They also acknowledge the fact security measures taken will need to be consistently revised as technology keeps improving. This is useful to the essay because it discusses many of the issues possible solutions to security and can be applied to schools. It also widens the origins of research collected.
But what is cultural safety? Cultural safety is when a safe environment is created for people who are culturally diverse. It is an environment in which respects their culture and encourages their sense of self and identity. – It does this by “being free of assault, challenges or denial of their identity. This means being mindful of their culture and history” –definition from the Maori nursing fraternity in New Zealand. (Robyn Williams, 2008).
(2.1) Explain ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment? Culturally responsive classroom environments use space to support learning. To use space effectively, teachers create different types of work environments for students, arrange the space for easy movement throughout the classroom, provide students with personal space, organize resources for easy access, prominently display student work products, ensure that print and non-print resources representing diverse background, values, points of view, lifestyles, and abilities are visible and easily accessible, and celebrate the contribution of all members of the classroom community.
Blog Post #3 – Why Safe Spaces are a Bad Idea Young people need to be strong and learn how to protest peacefully. If you don’t like what somebody has to say, instead of protesting violently, protest peacefully. People who protest violently will not bring people together but tear them apart. To change the world, you have to reach out to those who disagree. Safe spaces have become a shelter against opposing viewpoints.
To determining if the environment is culturally safe their needs to be evidence of any physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual harm (Holly et al. 2005). Observing the atmospheres, body language and the verbal communication between the people involved, whilst also having an understanding that a safe space does not necessarily means that everybody is confortable and can often be challenging (Holly et al. 2005).
How is public space altered? It is defined as the shifts that occur in the atmosphere. These shifts can sometimes be embarrassing, upsetting, and awkward. On the other hand, these shifts can be insightful, empowering, and inspiring. The outcome of the pivotal moments in life cannot be controlled because humanity does not have the power to control the circumstances around them. The 2011 tornado, the decision to become a Christian, and the moment I chose to join the Dream Team are pivotal points in my life where I altered the public space around me.
Safety: Students know that they are physically safe and that they are not in danger in the classroom. Safety also includes students emotional and mental well-being, meaning that they will be free from emotional damage such as bulling or name-calling.
So here's an idea. Instead of investing time, money and effort into “Safe Spaces”, why don’t we invest in our students in a productive way. Teach students how to be proud of who they are no matter their identity. Teach them how to defend their ideas and carry intelligible conversation with their peers. Why are we coddling young adults and not teaching them how to excel and mature and intelligent members of society? Instead of secluding them from the world as if their these delicate and breakable, let's teach how to be strong and independent adults. The future is us, let’s build a great
Cultural intelligence assessment will enable the individual to have certain information about himself. It is posited that cultural difference has a greater impact on business effectiveness than we think. That our cultural backgrounds really influence the way we think and act and the way we interpret each others contributions. Our success or failure in communication will depend on the extent at which we understand the different cultural background of the employees and create a fruitful collaboration in situations where cultural differences play a role. To achieve this, we need to act in an appropriate way in multicultural situations coupled with the ability to have an open mind which admits new information and this is curious about
Unsafe learning environments create a climate of fear and insecurity and a perception and this reduces the quality of education for all students.
One of the most captivating reasons students believe in safe spaces is because they allow an outlet for many who may have had traumas in their life. Many find it appealing that they have a