The music video for The Killers “When You Were Young” depicts the story of a young woman's tragic relationship through her flashbacks as she stands atop a mountain contemplating suicide. The video is set in present-day Mexico, which is shown by the Latino actors, and the costumes they are wearing that are relevant to Mexican culture. The video shows the woman's loss of innocence, adultery, love, faith in religion and God, and his punishment for those who sin. The video opens with a shot of a large white cross on a hill overlooking a small village. The camera then pans to show a young woman looking at the cross. The cross is wrapped in a flowing white cloth that symbolizes the woman surrendering herself to the failed relationship and giving …show more content…
The relationship has changed her, her trust and her innocence. Her ideas are now the past “when you were young”. “Devils water it aint so sweet...but you can dip your feet in every once in a little while” could allude to her husband, and how sin is bad but he is still human after all, and her image of a “beautiful boy” that lived up to Jesus could never exist in this world, and was only going to be imagine “when you were young”.
The mise-en-scene is a vital part in telling the story and this is done throughout “When You Were Young” with a mixture of setting, props, actors, costume and lighting. The video is set in Tlayacapan, a poor and traditional Mexican city, it is the perfect setting for the song and fits the story well. We can empathize with the woman for her dull, traditional life and understand why she is so thrilled to meet this man and how she can be so naive. The fact religion is so important and the poverty she grows up in is very apparent throughout the video and we see many dilapidated buildings and crumbling church
After watching the video Precious Knowledge, the first example of ethnic studies being threatened/ facing elimination is that senate is passing bills like 2881 that act against diversity and programs that support and culture beyond what is sought to be “fit” in the American educational system. Programs that promote ethnic studies gives students the pride and knowledge of where they have come from and therefore they feel more engaged in the classroom. Leaders like Tom Horne have the right to their own opinion but are being oppressive by not embracing the culture of different ethnic groups. By not attending these classes and trying to relate to these diverse communities; he is creating a dystopia to the American youth. Political leaders should
Her marriage feels like a prison, and the creek’s mournful cry echoes her heartache.” In this verse, I will
Almost like her parents didn’t even know who she was anymore. The narrator thought that “sleeping with someone was perfectly normal once you had done it” and afterward, “you didn’t really worry about it” (418), but there were always more things to worry about then just the sex. “It was different for a girl” than a guy with how many your body count was. (417) For a guy, “the more girls a boy has, the better”, but “for a girl, each boy it’s as though a petal gets plucked each time.” (419) This quote represents most of the story because she is saying as she goes on the story that she isn’t herself anymore, nor feels like
Which lesson or lessons are shown in the video clip(s)? Identify the lesson(s) by lesson plan number.
The type of audiences that I will be appealing to are all three, resistant, neutral sympathetic. I will be using the appeal of pathos. As I recall, pathos is an appeal to emotion, and is a way of convincing an audience of an argument by creating an emotional response. The types of visuals I will be using to make this video interesting are videos. My main goals for my commercial are to make people aware of police brutality. Also, how many cases have occur just in the year 2015. Lastly, how police brutality in the U.S. compares to other countries. I want to be able to touch people’s hearts and help them see what is going on in our communities. One thing that I learned from the video, 2010 NCVRW PSA- Be The One, was how to use pathos effectively.
For as long as humans have been able to develop societies and inquire about the world, people have been attempting to find ways to prolong life. The early alchemists searched for the ever elusive philosopher’s stone, while the Spanish Conquistadores traveled to distant lands in hopes to find the “Fountain of Youth.” Even today, we continue to search for the “elixir” of life. Currently, researchers are using modern science to find a way to extend our telomeres and allow our cells to regenerate, thus enabling us to live longer. Unfortunately, even with our advancements in science and medicine along with centuries of attempts, human mortality is one thing we haven’t been able to change. No matter how much we try and get rid of that fact of life, it remains a guarantee. Our greatest flaw as
This documentary proves when there is a will there is a way! In or around 2014, Sheridan School District one middle school and high school declined funding from the USDA school lunch program. In addition to hiring a new food service director, help from the board of trustees as well as aggressively working with their local community the school district could bring farm to table to life in their cafeteria. Smith created this documentary to explain how this program turned into a success. The writer’s intended audience through PBS are open minded parents, farmers, school staff and local communities. The specific audience was imperative to encourage other parents to speak up at their schools and encourage change in their children’s school cafeterias.
For my spring break video, I chose the video about that girl that had been kept from the language speaking society. Genie’s case had been one of the largest cases like never before seen. Being deprived of the outside society, It happened to be difficult for Genie to learn language. Scientist claim that for one to be fluent in language you must learn before a particular age. Genie, caught on to gestures and simple phrases, but not enough to speak a full fluent sentence. Being deprived of the outside society for such a long time, did not help in the process of learning language in Genies situation. Human interaction is a key point in learning language. People learn from interaction. This video very much validates that at a young age interaction
She feels broken, empty and hopeless, while her husband carries on with his everyday life. They both have a different way of moving on, but they went through that process, just like everyone must, in order to move
After being abandoned by her husband, the speaker becomes exiled and outcast by those around her, as she express in lines 4-5 “but new or old, never worse than now –/ever I suffer the torment of my exile.” She begins her journey in order to find him again and get him back, but she sadly is rejected by kinsmen of her husband. This rejection sent her on a sad path, as she longed to be accepted and loved by her husband. Unlike the other two speakers, she does not find any energy to try and better herself, and decides instead to use her time to write about her
The author Erica Gonzales wrote this article about the victims that were shot at Orlando. The video “The Greatest” sang by Sia, video star by Maddie Ziegler which also features a verse by Kendrick Lamar shows the sign of concerning for the victims that were shot in Orlando at a night club. Sia’s music shows tribute to the people whose lives were lost and those who were injured. Knowing that someone shows apprehension to does that died indicate that she understand what they went through. She may have known someone in that same position whom she missed so much. During the music video, you can see comparisons to the disaster. For instance, the death of people all over the mansion
The poem then transitions to the post-marriage life of the couple in stanza two. In lines eight through ten, the speaker states that she is too shy around her husband. Not only does she not smile, but also she does not answer her husband when he calls her. This shows that the speaker's life took a great emotional transition, as she is overly shy and feels uncomfortable around him. However, around the middle of the second stanza, the speaker transitions into another stage of
The video is about the Death of the Virgin, by Caravaggio. Caravaggio is known for dark paintings, but, this particular painting is extremely dark. The Virgin Mary is made to look like a normal person besides a translucent halo, which is unlike painting of her at this time. The painting is intentionally down to earth and it was rejected due to rumors that Caravaggio had made the Virgin Mary like a prostitute. Actually, Caravaggio seems to have intentionally point out the flaws of the people in this painting. The painting flows from the curtain at the top of the painting all the way to the mourning women at the bottom. The painting suggests that the viewer should mourn the death of the Virgin Mary.
I'm going to explain how to make your own music video you need a song and background music a dance and cute outfits and have some provider to sponsor the video.
The video begins with some gentle acoustical guitar play. We are shown a little girl in her bedroom. She appears to be waking up from a night of rest and she is met by her parents. She grasps their hands and they start to dance and hop in a circle. The music then picks up into a heavier rock tone and we see a young woman being forcibly restrained and dragged down a hallway. We see tears in her eyes as she looks back at the little girl dancing. We also see that the little girl has now grown a pair of wings on her back. The music slows down again and we see the parents losing their grip on the child’s hands. We are introduced to a new adult in this section as well. He is wearing a sweater and appears to care for the child, but he shows some hesitation when he goes to touch her. The heavier rock music picks back up and we see the little girl dart under her bed attempting to hide from something or someone. We witness the young woman being shackled to a hospital bed. The shackles are soon replaced by the hands of the man in the sweater and we then see him flip the bed of the little girl and discover her