
Video Games And Its Effects On Society

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In today 's day and age the new thing is technology, every day teenagers spend countless hours on the phones or their computers a day. They are on there going through and making new friends and having fun. They can go on and and instant message them for advice on home work or just talk and interact with one another. They can virtually do anything they want to. But on there is always a downside on the internet.
Facebook is a wonderful tool for anybody and everybody, who has access to the internet. And that includes “immature teens, the approach these websites as video games.” John Suler. And then they are going around and cyberbullying people without knowing what the are doing. They are going around pretend that are going for a high score hiding behind a fake profile picture or avatar. And some online communities kick them out of the community.
I can see why Teenagers are drawn into facebook, the learn to interact with tens of millions of people from around the world. And you can add yourself to groups you like or think you like or are interested in. Then when you do that you meet other people with the same similarities. After that the group chats come alive and really start to make friends. And the groups chats can have a groups of friends at school all the way to having them across bodies of water like the Pacific or the Atlantic. They can begin discussing homework or how bad their teachers are. The downside of this drama happens very easily in high school.

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