
Video Games Enhance The Lives Of Youths

Satisfactory Essays

After reading both essays on video games called, "Video Games Enhance the Lives of Youths" and "Video Games Put Youth at Risk" I've come to an agreement. I myself belive that video games are dangerous to children but also healthy. For example children sitting for long hours a day playing video games can be unhealthy, but its a way for kids to escape the real word and pretend to be someone else being stress free. One another hand some games provide education for children. To begin, I quote "Gaming can be directly linked to a rise in childhood obesity", a child needs to be limited to the time they sit on a couch and stare at a screen. Some children will sit for countless hours a day eating snacks and sitting, without a body in movement all that food and fat is accumilating in ones body. Back in the day when there weren't video games you would see children playing outside interacting with one another, which is considered exercising. Now what most children what to do is sit in a room with technology. …show more content…

Video games is like a fantasy world for children where they pretend to be someone else and have an escape on reality. As a mother i rather have my child play a video game as a stress free activity rather than finding a worse sorce of stress free activity. Now you might think what can a child be stressing about, well a child can be stressing over schooling or probably some family or social issues that they might not know how to handle. As a kid would play pretend now they can play prentend in a reality word where its more visual and interactive. Another quote "Games are a safe outlet to relieve stress and aggression" rather than going out there and solving their problem they go to a room and enter a fantasy world where there is no stress but

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