Over the years there has been a huge controversy over video games; the number one being the effect on the development of children, and this seems to be used a lot as a way to stigmatize gaming as something entirely destructive. In general, there are many misconceptions about video games. The Entertainment Software Association estimates that around 60% of Americans, around 145 million people in all, currently play some type of video game. Despite the common view of video games as being for kids, the average age of a video game player is actually around 29 years old. While most of the media and research available on video games is geared towards the potential for video game playing to have a negative impact, there is significant research …show more content…
Video game training methods have become increasingly popular among large companies. “…a recent survey reported that IBM managers used lessons learned from online games to promote teamwork in their real jobs (Chun-Chia Lee, et al – 1).” IBM is not alone. Other companies have started to use video games for training too. According to CBS News, massive multinational companies such as Fidelity Investments, Royal Dutch Shell, and Coca Cola have invested millions in video game training materials in courses. The fact that such profitable and successful companies have been willing to not only test these methods, but continue to invest millions of dollars in using them to train their personnel, is a testament to the effectiveness of how video games can improve communication skills.
Video games are also being used to increase problem-solving skills. For example, Florida State University and the University of Luxembourg, created a study in which they used a stealth assessment tool embedded in a game, to collect data on its users. They called this game Use Your Brainz , a slightly modified version of Plants vs. Zombies 2. Plants vs. Zombies 2 is a free-to-play tower defense strategy game, where your objective is to defend your territory from the enemy. This is normally achieved using defensive structures, which are either on or along the enemy zombie’s path. The modified game was used to test middle-school students on their problem-solving
Video games can be useful to the public, teachers, writers, and developers use games in study, design, critique, and for fun. Today’s children learn at a very young age how to work a cell phone and or a tablet. Video games are introduced at an early age as trends move from attempting to incorporate games into the classroom, to developing games that focus on learning. Even snipers are put into virtual games in order to improve their skill.
Video games are enjoyable for people and have good benefits for children who use their multiple skills to play and interact with others. In many parts of the world, the common video game is often seen by parents as something that is wasting their child's time or “rotting their brain”. It is a popular misconception that video games are bad for children. What parents do not know is the positive things about video games. Video games have a positive impact on people and help them learn things for experiences to come. People often do not understand that violent video games are not harmful to people because video games allow people to release their anger, video games decrease crime in youth, and because they allow people to be creative and test their
Most media today portray videogames as bad things when they are actually strengthening our problems solving skills. The purpose of wright’s essay is to prove to non-gamers that videogames are beneficial to players in many ways.
Understanding and action go together. We think more fluidly when an action is associated with a concept. Video games contain, joined together, both action and thought. This leads to a much better internalization and understanding of the game's subject matter. In a study done in Germany in 2008, participants were given a simple task to learn, such as Juggling. After about 12 weeks, these people showed a marked increase in the amount of grey matter in their brains. Further examination of these results revealed that it was, in fact, the act of learning coupled with the action that caused this increase, not simply the performance of the action itself. This suggests that games not only are excellent ways of teaching, they can have lasting beneficial effects on the health of the brain itself.
Video games aid adolescents in the development of vital skills needed throughout life. One important element in gaming is teamwork, which requires communication. Being able to connect and talk with the team is beneficial, although listening to them is just as vital. Without communication and listening skills the team would be dysfunctional. Game companies are getting sneaker with the traps and Easter eggs (references to things outside the game) that the companies place in the game. Provided this will increase the focus of the gamer to the details in their surroundings. Also by doing this it makes gamers react quickly and fluently to what they have just encountered. These skills that video games help develop will not only aid in the gaming experience
When it comes to the topic of how video games can affect us mentally, a bit of controversy is always found. Results range from positive to negative, but with no clear sign as to whether or not they can be beneficial or damaging to one's mental state. If you take a step back and look at the bigger picture, you may notice that it is not truly a proposition of either-or, video games can produce both a negative and positive effect on the human brain but to what extent? The reason why so much negativity comes from research, however, is due to researchers focusing their studies on certain attributes that may or may not be affected. In today's media, parents, politicians and even some gamers, tend to focus blame and attack the integrity of video games. This causes issues and obfuscates our outlook on how they may be hurting or benefiting us.
I feel the effect that video games have on children has been a very topical and debatable subject since they were introduced in the 1970’s. I feel it is important because if video games were damaging for children most video game companies would lose their biggest fan base and it would be very damaging for an economy for example in 2012 the entertainment software industry added over 6.2 billion dollars to US GDP. In the US the computer game industry directly and indirectly employees more than 146,000 people. The average salary for direct employees is 94,747 dollars, resulting in a total national compensation of 4 billion dollars also direct employment grew at an annual rate of more than 13 times the growth of the U.S labor market (9% vs. 0.72%) between 2009 and 2012. Many people have researched this economic question and some have been very biased on both sides but this isn’t surprising when you look at the last social phenomenon rock-and-roll or the “devil’s music” to some. Any home that has access to video games (88% of households) I feel the parents will be conscious to how much their children play video games and the effect it has on them. So I have aimed for my research to help parents gain an insight to the effects of video games, signs to look out for and helpful recommendations if they are worried about
A video game course is a good method of stimulating the mind. Both video games and games, in reality, creates a problem in which the players within the game have to solve. These situations stimulate the mind and make your brain work hard in order to solve the issue within the game.
Video games exercise academic skills and logical thinking (creativeteachingsite.com). Most games have you read text to complete a task and that forces you to read carefully. Not only does it work on reading text but you also read maps. If learning how to carefully read a map and text by gaming, then you could gain better reading skills and also learn new vocabulary (creativeteachingsite.com). Logical thinking skills are also exercised by gaming (creativeteachingsite.com). For example, you need to get into a building, but its locked, what do you do? If you can improve logical thinking through gaming then if can make people think for themselves a little more. Another thing that a lot of people use to train pilots and soldiers, is stimulations. Simulations involve screens. They experience what it's like to actually do their job and for other video gamers it's like getting experience with things you normally wouldn't be associated with in your daily life (creativeteachingsite.com). If through videogames and other screen related technology, you can gain experience with various sorts of things, then people will be more familiar with the things they encounter and will more likely be able to handle them. This is a big advantage of gaming. Because of this we should encourage
Video games can be used as instructional tools as well. They have positive elements and add value; they create a micro world of their own. The players act based on natural tendencies towards learning. Therefore, learning occurs while playing (Rosas et al., 2003).
Transition to Second Main Point: Video games can be used as a tool in schools, to help build teamwork, social skills, and critical thinking skills.
Excessive video game playing has been a problem with today’s youth they have had more influences over the youth than ever before. That brings to my attention a question, how do video games affect the youth of our society? Excessive video game playing, especially violent video games, can lead to youth violence, a decrease in academic success and many other negative things. I realize that some parents believe that they can be good for children, I agree but I also disagree in some cases. Some parents allow their children to play video games to keep a social life and to learn how to use strategies. This is true in some cases but not in all cases. For instance, other children that play video games alone and are in their rooms constantly can
Video games are a great way of teaching because it’s fun. Since students are having fun, they begin to become more focused on what they are learning. Since students become more focused, it encourages learning for them. Students also become motivated since they are having fun. They become motivated because rewards are included. They will also play video games outside of school which encourages them to learn inside and outside.
Video games have been accused of contributing too many acts of violence or aggression for decades. What the media misses is that video games have many benefits we haven’t found in any other media. Society should stop being afraid of video games and instead start looking forward to how we can best use them to benefit ourselves and our children. Anyone who doesn’t understand why needs only take a quick look at our society. Per a survey, “90% of children in the United States play video games and 70% of heads of households play video games, too. That leads to the average age of video gamers to be 33 years old” (Bavelier 21). Society is changing and non-gamers are being left behind. Playing video games have good effects on our brains such as improvement in basic visual processes, improvements in attention and vigilance, improvements in executive functioning, improvements in job-related skills, and improves thinking process.
With an estimated total of 1.23 billion people worldwide spending an hour a day, on average, playing video games (Berenson, 2015), research has increased rapidly on what effects this will have on society. Contrary to popular belief, experts posit that video games can be used as powerful tools which not only improves mental health, but alleviate pain, cure phobias and treat dementia as well. More surprisingly, research from New Mexico found that puzzle/logic games can stimulate neurogenesis (growth of new neurons) and connectivity in the brain regions responsible for spatial orientation, memory formation and strategic planning, as well as, fine motor skills (Bergland, 2013).