Vienna (Wien as said in German) is the capital of Austria and is a thriving city full of stunning artwork and teeming with culture. Situated in the centre of Europe, it is encompassed by many hills with great connections to major waterways. From a beginning as a Celtic settlement in roughly 500 BC, it changed hands countless times, becoming a significant city in Rome and the capital of many great empires. It became a huge trading city through its use of the land routes and the Danube (Europe's second longest river). In 1804 Vienna developed into the capital of the Austrian empire and has stayed constant since. With modern technology (Cars, trains, other methods) it has been able to grow further from the rivers allowing it to become more spread …show more content…
The positioning of Vienna, close to the Hungarian empire and closer proximity to the Oriental empires (Who had extensive trade with the European cities with spices, silk and other valuables) made it a crucial business area where cultures blended, and people mingled with each other. This helped diversify Vienna, incorporating other cultures ways of life, allowing Vienna to become one of the main intellectual hubs of the world. To this day Vienna is still well known for its world-class music universities and the teaching of some of the world's greatest minds. The diversification of Vienna has further helped create immense wealth with the architecture and artworks admired by the world bringing in many tourists, including the wealthy in the grand tour. Some of the greatest buildings you can see in Vienna include the Grand Hotel, Schonbrunn Palace and the magnificent buildings along Ringstrasse. One of the most famous Viennese architects is Hundertwasser who built many inspiring buildings such as the Hundertwasserhaus. He even took inspiration from New Zealand, using many of the native Maori symbols and even created the toilet block in
The SAN policy controls whether a newly discovered disk is brought online or stays offline, and whether it turns out to be read/write or if it remains read-only.
Uluru is the biggest rock in the world. It is 9.4km if you walk around it and about 345 metres high if you climb it. It's 3.6km long, 2km wide, and is a roughly oval shape. It's made of arkosic sandstone and is renowned for the way it changes colour in the light and is particularly spectacular at sunrise and sunset.
Bellevue is a town located in close proximity to Nashville, Tennessee. The town of Bellevue is famous for Red Caboose Park, where thousands of visitors come to spend their leisure time. Other nearby places that capture the interest of visitors are Brentwood. It is a place where council meetings are held by the government. A top attraction for visitors here is the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum. It is considered the home of country music. It has over 2.5 million artifacts spread over two floors of exhibition space. By now you must be feeling quite hungry, so just step into Monell's Dining & Catering and dig into their skillet fried chicken and corn pudding so your tummy will be sated. There are many hotels and rentals around here, some
Wellesley, Massachusetts, located in Norfolk County, is a premier town in the Greater Boston area. Conveniently, the town has rail service to Boston, Framingham, and Worcester, making your daily commute hassle-free. With a thriving population of 27,982, as of the 2010 census, it is home to multiple prestigious colleges, such as Wellesley College and Babson College. Wellesley is bordered by Newton, Weston, Needham, Dover, and Natick. Settled in 1630, it possesses the unique feature that the well-known “Cottage Street” has been designated a historic district. The houses in this area, built circa 1860, are protected buildings via the town’s historic commission. Wellesley features exclusive homes that boast luxurious details and upgrades. Spectacular
Pennny is a colorful fuzzy ball of fur. Pennny has butterfly wings and big rainbow eyes. She wears high socks, her hair sticks up and she wears a bow in it. She also carries a pink and purple magic wand. Her fur is blue and she also wears a silver neckless with magic dust in it.
Unit 10 was a closure for the previous four units in the process of inventing Canada. This unit based on the earliest resources on Canadian history and on the first nations whom lived in this country. This resources were about pre-Cartier and his explorations. Some nations, for example the people who lived in St. Lawrence valley – whom did not have a specific name to be called at- and historians still lacking enough evidence on their existence or what happened with them. These people who are identified as St. Lawrence Iroquoians were lived in the contact area which means the conquerors reached them first. The Iroquoians were exposed to all the dangers Europeans carried into the native lands, different types of diseases they were not immune
Besides being entranced with the golden dome, “touchdown Jesus” also found a place in my heart. The Hesburgh Library is one of the most beautiful buildings on campus. It is appropriately named as well. Fr. Hesburgh was an influential leader on campus and throughout the world; he was an advocate for peace rather than violence. Under his tenure, the first female class was admitted into the university, and after serving as president, he was able to witness the first African-American valedictorian. I am sure a dream of Fr. Hesburgh was fulfilled on that spring day. Even after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed, he continued to fight for equality in housing, employment, and higher education for minorities. Hesburgh’s attitude toward equality
While Kevin O’Leary was still at the University of Western Ontario’s Ivey Business School in 1979, he spent four months working at food manufacturer Nabisco, in downtown Toronto. While there, he worked as assistant brand manager for Nabisco’s cat food brands, and he had a hand in increasing the company's market share.
With two titles in the past three years, the Villanova Wildcats are on their way to becoming a dynasty. Since the end of John Wooden's UCLA coaching tenure in 1975, only twice has a school won two times in the span of three years. These were Duke's early 90's teams of Grant Hill, Bobby Hurley, and Christian Laettner, and Florida's 2006-2007 teams of Joakim Noah, Al Horford, and Corey Brewer, meaning the Wildcats have joined elite company. Once known as a top team during the regular season who would flame out in March, Jay Wright's most recent teams have shattered that belief.
During the years between 1915 and 1970, some six million black southerners left their homelands in the South to move to the northern and western states looking for a better life.( The Reason why this i so significant to me is during this time period the great moving from one place to another was in effect and during this time period 6 million African Americans from the away from cities South to the cities of the North, Midwest and West from 1916 to 1970, affected a lot city based life in the United States. Driven from their homes by unsatisfactory money based opportunities and marsh separating people by race, religion, laws, many blacks headed north, where they took advantage of the need for industrial workers that first rose up during
It’s nice to meet you and I’m more than happy to give information about myself to the Duet family.
In today’s society, a good quality education is an important and valuable necessity. As a college student at Lone Star College, my college experience has greatly influenced me in an enormous amount of ways. By attending college, I have not only had a chance to receive a quality education and degree, but also an opportunity to socialize and interact with various people from different cultures. In addition, the professors on campus have been extremely helpful towards teaching me to succeed in both inside and outside the class room. Furthermore, my college experience at Lone Star has greatly influenced and encouraged me to be successful and achieve my dream of becoming a doctor.
I was devastated to hear that only ten students were allowed into ENG 102 for the spring semester, but this is my opportunity to show you that I deserve to be put in ENG 102. I believe I should be one of the ten students to advance into your ENG 102 class because I think I have what it takes. I have ambitions and dreams and if I don’t graduate because of this class they will just burn to ashes in the back of my mind. Hopefully you will be persuaded by the end of this essay, and you will end up putting me in your 102 class.
Social Class’s Standards In 1930, the national income halved and one-fourth of the American workforce stood unemployed (“The 1930s”). When the lower end of economic social class implied an empty stomach, social class naturally lingered on everybody’s mind. However, social class exists not simply as an economic construct. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee presents a story of a town during the 1930s with many well-defined social classes.
The regime in Gilead is totalitarian since the government puts no distinction between public and private. The state controls all aspects of beliefs and relationship; citizens are discouraged to form relationships outside their rank. By doing so, Atwood is displaying a society where individuals are stripped of their fundamental human rights- free will, they are deemed as incapable of creating decisions for themselves. Moira comments that, “You can't help what you feel...but you can help how you behave”. It is expected of the Handmaid’s to control their ‘feelings’ -they have to supress their sexual desire and sexuality.