Vietnam is situated in Southeast Asia on the eastern coast of the Indochinese peninsula. At over 2,000 miles in length, the coastline is surrounded on two sides by the smaller Gulfs of Tonkin and Thailand, and also the South China Sea. Neighboring countries include Cambodia, China, and Laos (Vietnam-Geography, n.d.). The landscape within Vietnam varies greatly depending on location and is comprised of mountains, hills, dense forests, deltas, and lowlands. The importance of the topography will come to fruition later on. Vietnam has an extensive history and is no stranger to fighting for their independence, having dealt with hundreds of centuries of Chinese occupation. The Vietnamese people would continue to struggle between eras of Chinese rule and their own …show more content…
It was here that the French began losing their stronghold on the region. After the Japanese surrendered in 1945, Japan accords power to the Viet Minh and Ho who declares Vietnam’s independence from France. French officials tried desperately to regain control of the territory but were met with strong opposition from the League for the Independence of Vietnam or Viet Minh, led by Ho Chi Minh and Vo Nguyen Giap (Vietnam War facts, n.d.), The French were not interested in severing its ties with Vietnam so easily and after failing to negotiate with Ho and his exponents, France ended up reneging on their agreement to grant the country its freedom. Growing tensions between the foes gradually escalates into violence, and in May of 1954 after 57 days of fighting the French military crumbles at Dien Bien Phu at the hands of the Viet Minh (Vietnam War facts, n.d.), essentially ending French dominance in Vietnam. But in doing so creates cease-fire and a temporary division of the country at the 17th parallel where the North will be under communist control and democracy for the South (Walbert,
The Vietnam War was a long and expensive war that dealt with North Vietnam and South Vietnam clashing out and seeing who comes out victorious; this war took place near a small little country near Southeast Asia. The 4 countries that bordered Vietnam are China, South Korea, Japan, and Indonesia. This country is only 7,000 miles away from Rahway and if you were to take a flight there it would take 20hrs.
Of the many memorials in Washington D.C the most important of all of these is the Vietnam War Memorial because of its historical and emotional impact on all who see it. One reason is that it memorializes one of the worst wars in American history and, it honors all the soldiers that gave their lives to fight for this fair country. Another reason is because its emotional aspect. “You see that wall, and you see how many people you know on that wall. It humbles you,” said Robert Wayne Griffin, Vietnam War Veteran. Overall, these are a few ways the Vietnam War Memorial is important, but along with the historical and emotional aspects but also how the wall was made.
The Vietnam War extended from 1962-1975, at that time the Australia governments defence policy consisted of sending troops over seas to fight against potential enemies this strategy called ‘forward defence’ was a major reason for the commitment of Australian troops to the war in Vietnam, from 1962 – 1972 approximately 60,000 Australian men and women served in Vietnam and there were around 500 Australian causalities lost during the Vietnam War. The outbreak of war in Vietnam was as of as a result of communist aggression. In 1951 we joined with New Zealand and the United States to sign the ANZUS treaty, where a attack on any one of those countries was seen as a threat to them all, further in September of 1954 the South East Asia treaty organisation
When Nazi Germany invaded and conquered France in 1940, the puppet Vichy French government was established. The vichy French government signed a peace treaty with the Japanese later that year in 1940, giving Japan control over Vietnam. Japan had been fighting an aggressive land war against the Chinese. Japan was looking to exercise its own ambitions of an empire as they tried to conquer all of South East Asia. Vietnam was a strategic part in Japan’s ambitions to open up a new southern front against the Chinese. The Vietnamese who were not pleased about their previous Chinese and French invaders, were not in any way gracious with the arrival of Japanese soldiers. Thus nationalist like Ho Chi Minh now found a new enemy in the Japanese. This is an important turning point in Vietnamese history. Now that Vietnamese nationalists are resisting Japanese occupation, a relationship with the United States begins. By 1945 the Japanese had ousted the Vichy government, and now maintained complete control over Vietnam by instituting a puppet Empower, Bao Dai. American support is established and Ho Chi Minh is sent weapons and material to fight of the Japanese. In August of 1945, Viet Minh forces, led by Ho, overthrow the Japanese and establish a pro communist government in Hanoi. At last it seems that the Vietnamese have won their independence. However with the end of the Second World War, the Cold War would begin, and Ho
Ho Chi Minh used the analogy of “the elephant and the tiger” frequently during his presidency. Minh applied this theory to the war between the Vietnamese and French, claiming that the French were the elephants and the Vietminh troops were tigers, reinforcing the guerrilla warfare tactics that the Vietminh used to great success. Minh stated that time and resources were not of issue, the war was a fight for nationalism and self-determination, regardless of the duration of the war or the amount of troops and resources lost, the Vietnamese would come out as victors. Ho Chi Minh said at a speech in Paris in 1946 “you can kill 10 of our men for every one we kill of yours, but even at those odds, you will lose and we will win” and “we have a secret weapon, don’t smile when I tell you this, our secret weapon is nationalism” which emphasizes the desire and desperation the North Vietnam were willing to go to in order to self-determine. The battle at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 was the culmination of the First Indochina War and as a result of North Vietnam’s victory, French forces left and a sense of nationalism was prevalent. The Vietnamese were at war with the French due to the Communist forces in the North of Vietnam desiring the expulsion of French forces and colonisation to promote nationalism and self-determination. In March 1954, General Giap, the principal commander of the Vietminh army at the time, ordered a siege against
For centuries the Vietnamese people resisted being controlled by their powerful Chinese neighbors. They struggled to unify their country as an independent state. Ultimately they freed themselves from China 's claim for control of political authority and achieved national unity only to fall victim to French imperialism (Anderson 1). French ruled Vietnam and neighboring kingdoms as colonies from the nineteenth century to the twentieth century. Japanese occupation of Southeast Asia during World War II influenced the Vietminh war against the French in 1945. September 2nd, 1945, Ho Chi Minh declares independence from French rule shortly after Japans surrender from World War II ( France 's rule over its colony was incredibly brutal and exploitative (Anderson 6). French colonialism deprived the Vietnamese of their political independence, and it impoverished many of the Vietnamese people (Anderson 7). Many villagers lost their lands and became low-paid plantation
When the French came back to their colony most of the resistances were put down. The only resistance to prove strong enough was the Viet Minh. The Viet Minh were a group of revolutionists who wanted independence from the French government. They were lead by Ho Chi Minh. Minh was a socialist who was supported by China, the Soviet Union, and Vo Nguyen Giap a Vietnamese general. Together they fought the French government who was allied with Emperor Bao Dai in the First Indochina War. The war lasted from 1946, a year after Vietnam declared an unrecognized independence, to 1954 when Vietnam officially gained independence from France. The war did not go large scale until 1949 when communist Chinese forces reached the northern borders of Vietnam. Now with the Viet Minh being supported militarily by China and mechanically by the Soviet Union created a difficult opponent for the French to confront. In 1950 the United States started supporting France with weapons and funds to fight the Viet Minh in a fight for democracy during the cold war. The French meet many problems when fighting in the north because of the underdeveloped terrain lacking roads and
In 939, Vietnam gained independence from China. An invasion was attempted in 1279 but failed. Success came in 1407 for China, but the reinvasion was short-lived mainly due to the powerful Vietnam army of the time. In 1620, Vietnam was divided. Nguyen in the south and Trinh in the north. Stability remained in Vietnam until the French invaded the country in 1858. The French established a protectorate of China in 1862.2 The French were able to merge Cambodia and Vietnam in 1887 which formed Indochina. Laos was added to Indochina in 1893. Even though Vietnam was under the imperial rule of China for over a thousand years, it managed to keep its cultural independence. Over the years, Vietnam experienced a series of conflicts with it?s neighbors as well as foreigners such as France and America, but was able to come out on top. Vietnam has a long history of resistance which has prepared them for battles against stronger nations irrespective of costs or loss of life. The Vietnam War was a period of military combat that pitted the communist north Vietnam army aided by the Chinese against the south Vietnam troops supported by America. The conflict lasted from 1954 till 1975 which ultimately unified the North and South Vietnam under the communist rule.
But Vietnam was not unique and Ho-chi-minh voice was but one of many. From China to Malaya, From Burma to the Philippians, throughout the Asiatic colonies of Britain, France, the Netherlands and the United States, they ran a fever of Nationalism and willingness among the people to take up arms to gain independence. But for Vietnam’s independence this did not come. For after the War in contrast to its stated policy, the United States supported France in her bid to regain her loss colony of indo-china. In return, France agreed to support the U.S. post war policies in Europe, policies designed to keep in check the Soviet Union. By early 1946 all Allied forces had withdrawn from indo-china, leaving France to oppose Ho-chi-minh’s new government in
Vietnam was a country divided into two by communism in the North and capitalism in the South. The Vietnam War, fought between the years 1959 and 1975, was, in essence, a struggle by nationalists in the north to unify the nation under a communist government. This was a long standing conflict between the two sides that had been occurring for years. It wasn’t until 1959 when the USA, stepped in, on the side of southern Vietnamese, to stop the spread of communism. It was a war that did not capture the hearts and minds of the American people as it was viewed as a war that the US army couldn’t win and so the government lost the peoples support for the war. This ultimately led to the withdrawal of the US army from Vietnam. Some people, like
Vietnam is a country, which has long history. Chinese dominated Vietnam for 1,000 years. The French also dominated the country for 61 years. However, Vietnam gets most influence from China, which is one of the most powerful countries in the world after America. However, Viet Nam culture and Chinese culture have Differences.
The Vietnam War escalated from a Vietnamese civil war into a limited international conflict, in which the United States was deeply involved. The Vietnam War was fought in South Vietnam between government forces aided by the United States and guerilla forces aided by the North Vietnamese. Despite increased American military involvement and signed peace agreements in 1973, the Vietnam War did not end until North Vietnam's successful invasion of South Vietnam in 1975. The Vietnam War may have been the longest war in American history, but after South Vietnam collapsed, America was left to question their highly controversial involvement in a lost cause.
Vietnam is located in Southeastern Asia and outskirts the Gulf of Thailand, the South China Sea. The latitude and longitude of Vietnam is 16° 0' N and 106° 0' E. The total range, which falls under the latitude and longitude of Vietnam is 329,560 SQ. km. Vietnam is somewhat bigger than New Mexico and has a coastline of 3,444sq km, which does exclude the Islands. The atmosphere of Vietnam reaches from being tropical in the north, to blustery in the northern part (longitude and latitude in Vietnam, 2017).
This began the conflict procedures involving the French and Viet Minh known as the First Indochina War. Fought mainly in northern Vietnam, this conflict ended when the French were defeated decisively at Dien Bien Phu in 1954. War was finally settled by the Geneva Accords of 1954, which temporarily divided country section in parallel with the 17 with Minh Nam in control in the north and the non-communist state to be formed in the South under the leadership of Prime Minister Ngo Dinh Diem. This division was to last until 1956, when national elections will be held to decide the future of the
This was included in France’s empire. While the first and second world wars were being fought in Europe and partially in the Pacific, there was a nationalist movement underway. Vietnamese people wanted to be rid of the hands of the French. They longed for the day when they would not be under the rule of France, but rather themselves. The Nationalist Movement was eventually under the authority and leadership of Ho Chin Minh. Although having a strong force of nationalists with their passion, their strength as one body and their ability to gain the self-government they desired was not enough. Ho turned to communist parties and tried to gain their liking and support. He got them on board with their goal and with that they started to hold strikes against the French.